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Employee Value Proposition

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1 Employee Value Proposition

2 What is EVP? The characteristics and appeals for working for that organisation. E.g. flexible working arrangements Wellness programs Learning and development Pay what makes the organisation stand out? The Employee Brand It’s the way in which organisations differentiate themselves in the labour market Enables:- Recruitment Retain Engage Also includes intangible factors that don’t show up on the pay check but carry high value Challenging and meaningful work Personal achievement Appealing organisational culture Sense of purpose Pride-inducing set of workplace values

3 What makes a good EVp? Built around attributes that genuinely attract and engage talent you WANT! Consistent Articulated in a style that appeals to the audience Also contains elements that are not true now but that the company aspires to The benefits to the employee – what the employees actually want Progress with change and objectives and clearly demonstrate its uniqueness Not boring corporate speak – stand out Set goals and show employees that they are responding to change and gives employees engagement. Constantly building on EVP to stand out from competitors.

4 strengths of Evp Helps to attach and retain talent
Helps appeal to different markets and tough to hire talent groups Helps to re-engage a disenchanted workforce Creates a strong ‘people’ brand Having a strong EVP helps attract talent that you would otherwise lose to competitors. Appeals to different cultures/age groups and functions – Universal brand Rebuild/enhance trust and increase motiviation Good brand image and are known for how they treat their employees– i.e Apple/Google

5 Challenges of EVP Stakeholder engagement is critical
Bespoke research is required Employees are a discerning audience Maintaining Lack of such will undermine EVP Relying on past EVP – looking towards the future and new talent? Promise needs to be delivered

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