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1 Review

2 Meiosis Sexual Reproduction

3 What is meiosis? Animals Process that makes the sperm and egg Plants
Process that makes the pollen and ovule


5 Sexual Reproduction Fertilization Example:
The combination of two haploid Cells to create a diploid cell Example: Haploid (n) Sperm or egg Diploid (2n)– Zygote (fertilized egg) Sperm(n) + egg(n) = zygote(2n) N= 23 Chromosomes For Humans only

6 Fertilization vs Pollination
Fertilization (animals) Gamete + Gamete -->Zygote Sperm Egg > Zygote n n > 2n Haploid Haploid --> Diploid Pollination (Plants) Pollen Ovule --> Seed n n > 2n

7 Meiosis

8 Phases of Meiosis Meiosis I Interphase Prophase I Metaphase I
Basically Mitosis, twice…. Meiosis I Interphase Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Meiosis II ProphaseII Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II

9 Meiosis

10 Meiosis 2 gametes combine to form one zygote Meiosis I
The cell (2n) splits into 2 cells Each cell is haploid (n) has 23 replicated chromosomes Meiosis II Those 2 cells then split into 4 cells Separating the sister chromatids The 4 resulting cells become egg and sperm [each is haploid (n)] Oogenesis creates eggs Spermatogeneis creates the sperm

11 Sperm and Egg Creation Spermatogenesis creates 4 sperm
Oogenesis creates 1 egg

12 Genetic Variation Meiosis is IMPORTANT to genetic variation (different types) Crossing- over: Exchange of genetic material between chromosomes, creates new combinations (Prophase I) Independent Assortment : Whichever copy goes into the gamete (egg or sperm) is random (Metaphase I)

13 Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis
Purpose Growth and Repair Reproduction (genetic variation) # of Divisions 1 2 Parent Cell 2n (diploid) Daughter Cells 2n and Identical to parent 4 n and not identical Type of Cells Produced Somatic Cells Gametes

14 Review Mitosis or Meiosis? A B Mitosis Meiosis

15 Ribbit…..ribbit Thanks for listening!!

16 Meiosis Video Clip


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