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By Nathan Hanson & David Johnson

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1 By Nathan Hanson & David Johnson
The Carbon Cycle By Nathan Hanson & David Johnson Colville Junior High Gen-Y Class March 2001

2 The Carbon Cycle The Carbon Cycle is the continuous cycle that produces Carbon. Without the carbon cycle life on this Earth would not exist. Plants need it, and without plants animals would not have any food. Living things on earth all acquire their carbon in many different ways for example: water, soil, rock material and living things.

3 The Carbon Cycle The carbon is in the air.
It goes into the trees or grass by photosynthesis. An herbivore such as a cow eats the grass and gets the carbon. The cow then exhales the carbon and is in the air again.


5 The Carbon Cycle There is still carbon that stays with the animal after it exhales. The carbon stays in the tissues of the animal Then after it dies things like fungus decompose the dead animal and it is then given off in the air again. Then the fox or other carnivore eats the rabbit or other herbivore and the carnivore receives the carbon. Then the fox or other carnivore exhales the carbon into the air or dies The substances in the soil also, break down the dead body and the soil now has the carbon. Another way is that the rabbit or herbivore eats the grass and receives the carbon.


7 The Carbon Cycle The algae uses photosynthesis and takes in the carbon and the fish eats the algae. The fish also give off carbon which helps them in the cycle Then the same process that goes on the land happens in the water. The fish get their carbon from algae that is in the sea. Fish also use the carbon cycle in their life


9 The carbon then travels into the air and is used for other plants.
The Carbon Cycle Carbon is also given off after you burn trees. The carbon from the trees is released from it after the fire burns it. Fossil fuels are then burned in factories and vehicles which puts carbon into the air. The carbon then travels into the air and is used for other plants. After the body’s carbon is in the soil it goes through a process that turns it into fossil fuels. My grandpa is old


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