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The Carbon Cycle By Mckenzie Burston, Jayla Barron, Olivia Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "The Carbon Cycle By Mckenzie Burston, Jayla Barron, Olivia Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Carbon Cycle By Mckenzie Burston, Jayla Barron, Olivia Johnson

2 The Word “Cycle” Cycle means – a series of events that are regularly repeated. Water, Carbon, and Nitrogen all have cycles. Water cycle have evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, and run-off. The cycle starts all over again. On this power point we are going to learn about Carbon

3 Carbon Carbon can be found in Fossil Fuel Fossil Fuel comes from old died plants and animals that decayed and turned into oil, coal, and natural gas. What happens when we burn these fossil fuel?

4 What Happens? When we burn oil, gas, and coal it will cause the global temperature to increase. We burn fossil fuel for energy. We use this energy in our homes, cars, airplanes, and trains. Why is the temperature increasing?

5 Greenhouse Gas Carbon is a Greenhouse Gas. There are many types of greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, which affects our climate and causes global warming.

6 Do we need carbon? Carbon makes up 18 percent of our body mass Carbon is the basic building block required to form proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Trees use the carbon for photosynthesis. Trees also releases oxygen back into the atmosphere.

7 How does the carbon cycle on Earth? Carbon travels from the atmosphere into organisms, the Earth, and back to the atmosphere. Animals get the carbon from the atmosphere and from what it eats. For example, cows eat the grass, the cow is getting the carbon that was stored in the grass. Carbon is released from animals through respiration.


9 Check out this video! Watch this video on Carbon Footprint gG1Q gG1Q What was the Main Idea of the Video?

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