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Responses to suffering.

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Presentation on theme: "Responses to suffering."— Presentation transcript:

1 responses to suffering

2 what can be done about … ? physical states: pain, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, etc emotional states: anxiety, anger depression, guilt, disgust, etc mental states: confusion, doubt, lack of knowledge, etc behavioural states: over-busyness, avoidance, binging, addictions, etc relationships states: rows, isolation, coldness, disagreements, etc

3 optimism v’s hopelessness
belief that one can improve comes from several different sources: personal experience of even temporary improvement knowing or hearing of others who have improved scientific research showing improvement is achievable trust in the therapist belief in the ability of the human organism to improve

4 choice/control v’s helplessness
how can one gain confidence in one’s personal ability to improve? knowing it may be possible – see optimism slide knowing what to do to make the improvement being prepared to experiment to see what progress comes accepting that there will be ups and downs accepting that one will some-times feel helpless/hopeless

5 some possible responses
problems/difficulties problem solving diagram symptoms vicious circle some possible responses tackle effects tackle problems

6 some possible responses
tackle problems: tackle effects: these responses aim to reduce suffering by tackling the problems and difficulties so that the symptoms they produce are likely to be reduced as well these responses aim to reduce suffering by altering how much one is affected by both the problems and difficulties and also by symptoms they cause

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