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Opening Activity Write a complex-split thesis for the following prompt: Analyze the ways in which the political, economic, and diplomatic crises of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Activity Write a complex-split thesis for the following prompt: Analyze the ways in which the political, economic, and diplomatic crises of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Activity Write a complex-split thesis for the following prompt: Analyze the ways in which the political, economic, and diplomatic crises of the 1780s shaped the provisions of the United States Constitution. Example: Although some historians believe…[counter argument here], it is more correct to say…. [your argument here] If you finish early, start completing your 3 topic sentences and facts.

2 Agenda Overview of Unit 3 Test Survey Unit 4 Lecture Theses DUE FRIDAY
Chapter 13 HW DUE Monday Chapter 13 Quiz DUE Monday

3 Unit 4: The Jacksonian Era, 1824-1848
Section I: Jacksonian Democracy/ Age of the Common Man Section II: Market Revolution Section III: Manifest Destiny and Expansion in the 1840s Section IV: The Second Great Awakening and the Antebellum reforms

4 Unit 4: The Jacksonian Era (1824-1848)
Jacksonian Democracy, Age of the Common Man

5 The Jacksonian Period ( ) has been celebrated as the era of the “common man.” To what extent did the period live up to its characterization? Consider TWO of the following in your response. Economic development Politics*** Reform movements

6 Andrew Jackson – Democrat or Dictator?
Democrat? Champion of the Common Man? Dictator? “King Andrew”?

7 Election of 1824

8 Corrupt Bargain

9 Rise of the 2nd Two Party System
NATIONAL REPUBLICANS DEMOCRATS Adams, Clay and Webster Strong national govt. Pro-BUS Tariffs Industrialization Pro-American System Abolition of Slavery Wealthy should run the govt. Jackson and Calhoun State’s Rights Anti-BUS Anti-Tariffs Agrarian Anti-American System States determined slavery Protected the common man.

10 6th POTUS: John Quincy Adams (1824-1828)

11 Tariff of Abominations (Tariff of 1828)

12 South Carolina Exposition

13 The Changing Electorate


15 Population shift and West becomes politically powerful
Jackson appealed to the Common Man because he was one.

16 WMA 21 yrs. old, educated and property owner…….
1790 voting WMA 21 yrs. old, educated and property owner……. Land easy to obtain, property qualifications and education dropped.

17 Voter Turnout: 26.9 57.4 55.4 57.8 80.2 78.9 72.7 69.6 78.9 81.2

18 Electoral Process 1790 to 1828 1828 to 1900 Current System Used
Caucus---small group of individuals who would choose a candidate 1828 to 1900 Convention---members from the political parties nominate a candidate. Eliminated, “King Caucus” Current System Used Direct Primary---allow registered voters to participate in choosing a candidate Which of these would be the most democratic way to nominate a candidate for your party to run against the opposition party for public office?

19 Why Increased Democratization?
Universal White male suffrage increased Party nominating conventions vs. caucuses Spoils system. Rise of Third Parties. Popular campaigning (parades, rallies, floats, etc.) Two-party system returned in the 1828 election A candidate similar to the voting electorate

20 Election of 1828


22 7th POTUS: Andrew Jackson, 1828-1836

23 King Mob


25 Rotation in Office, or Spoils System

26 Kitchen Cabinet

27 Peggy Eaton Affair

28 Nullification Crisis

29 Opening Activity Prompt: The Jacksonian Period ( ) has been celebrated as the era of the “common man.” To what extent did the period live up to its characterization? Task: Write a complex-split thesis for this prompt. Although some historians believe…, it is more correct to say… Choose whether you want to agree to disagree with the statement. Use PERSIA to create the split in your thesis.

30 Tariff of 1832 Compromise Tariff of 1833 Force Bill

31 Bank War

32 Jackson’s Veto of the Bank Recharter

33 Election of 1832

34 Bank War Continues, or Biddle’s Panic

35 Jackson’s Pet Banks (wildcat banks) Species Circular Act of 1836 Depression of 1837

36 Jackson’s Native American Policy

37 Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1828) Worcester v. Georgia (1832)

38 Indian Removal Act (1830)

39 “Trail of Tears”

40 Birth of the Whig Party

41 The 1836 Election Results

42 8th POTUS: Martin Van Buren, 1836 - 1840

43 The Panic of 1837

44 Independent Treasury Bill (Divorce Bill)

45 Andrew Jackson in Retirement

46 Election of 1840

47 9th POTUS: William Henry Harrison (1840-1841)

48 Chief Justice Roger B. Taney Supreme Court Decisions

49 Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge (1837)

50 Cooley v. Board of Wardens (1852)

51 The Jacksonian Period ( ) has been celebrated as the era of the “common man.” To what extent did the period live up to its characterization? Consider TWO of the following in your response. Economic development Politics*** Reform movements

52 A “Common Man” Era? Not

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