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Preview p.114 Consider the past month of your life. Think back to the important occurrences of this period of time. What I want you to do is bring.

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Presentation on theme: "Preview p.114 Consider the past month of your life. Think back to the important occurrences of this period of time. What I want you to do is bring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preview p.114 Consider the past month of your life. Think back to the important occurrences of this period of time. What I want you to do is bring to mind the single most personally satisfying event that you experienced during the last month. Think of ‘satisfying’ in whatever way makes sense to you. Take a couple minutes to be sure to come up with a very impactful experience.

2 Sheldon (2001) Top four needs that determine satisfaction: Autonomy
Competence Relatedness Self-Esteem

3 Sheldon (2001) Less important: Self actualization-meaning
Physical thriving Popularity-influence Money-luxury

4 Emotion pp

5 Theories of Emotion Review


7 Izard (1977)

8 Affect Grid

9 The Biology Fear “When she talks about instances when she ‘feels afraid,’ there isnt’ the tension in her voice that you or I have.” -Adolphs (1994)

10 Scared to Death Terrified Adrenaline Heart Lesion

11 Anger FjxP-Y

12 Angry Drivers Practice hostile, aggressive thinking. Report greater disbelief about how others drive. Vengeful thoughts Take greater risks on the roads Behave more aggressively Have more accidents Likely to get car angry from work or home stresss

13 Courteous Drivers Pittsburgh, PA Portland, OR Seattle, WA
Minneapolis, MN Cleveland, OH

14 Rude Drivers Miami, FL Boston, MA New York, NY Baltimore, MD
Washington, DC

15 “Blowing off steam” The Rising Sun Anger Release Bar Ann Landers
Research: Hostility breeds hostility

16 Happiness the nucleus accumbens

17 Orientations to Happiness

18 Orientations to Happiness and Life Satisfaction
Through pleasure: 3, 8, 13, 15, 16, 18 Through engagement: 1, 4, 6, 7, 9 Through meaning: 2, 5, 11,12, 14, 17 Scores Range 6-30

19 “Money is an opportunity for happiness, but it is an opportunity that is routinely squandered because the things people think will make them happy often don’t.”

20 If money doesn’t make you happy, you probably aren’t spending it right.






26 Process p.112 If we learn our emotional responses, we may be able to learn new responses to replace old ones. Would you like to change any of your emotional responses? How might you go about changing your behavior or your thinking in order to change your emotional reactions?

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