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Year 1 Newsletter Congratulations! Langley Park Primary Academy

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1 Year 1 Newsletter Congratulations! Langley Park Primary Academy
Friday 7th September 2018 Well what a busy week we have had in Year 1. We are very proud of how well you have all settled into the new school year and we are looking forward to the rest of the term. In English, we have been discussing and writing short sentences describing our summer holiday using full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. In whole class discussions we have been thinking about what we would like to learn going into Year 1. During Child Led Learning we have been exploring the classroom environment and accessing all activities well. We have talked about sharing and the expectations of the classroom. Our Child Led Learning activities have been based on our topic ‘Fabulous Families’. In the creative area children have drawn pictures of themselves and their families using different techniques. During Science we have discussed different parts of our bodies and what makes us different to one another. In Maths, we have been exploring numbers up to 20 and represented these using different apparatus such as cubes and counting bears. Thought of the week ‘The more that you read, the more you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go’ Dr Suess How can you help at home? This week we have sent home reading books, which will be changed once a week on a specific day which will be written on your child’s reading record from next week. We enjoy seeing any pieces of writing, artwork, Maths that your child may complete at home, so please bring it in to show us. From next week both classes will come in the middle gate during drop off. At the end of the day Jubilee will be dismissed from the gate on the right hand side of the fenced area nearest the Reception door. Enterprise will continue to dismiss from the middle gate. Home Learning this week is: Homework will be sent home from next week on a Thursday, please can we ask for all homework books to be returned by Wednesday of each week. Each week there will be 5 spellings which will consist of tricky words, these will be repeated during the week to ensure your child remembers them. Please remember In the upcoming weeks we will be holding a curriculum meeting where we will discuss the expectations of Year 1, our daily routine and give you ideas of how to help at home. You will receive further details of this over the upcoming weeks. If you wish to contact us regarding your child, please use the below addresses and we aim to respond in 48 hours. Thank you. Grandparents day will be on Friday 5th October 2018, you will receive more information in due course. Star of the week goes to… Enterprise – Harry – for trying hard with his writing and sounding everything out. Jubilee – Hanuram – For settling in so well into a new school Congratulations!

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