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Welcome meeting for Reception parents

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1 Welcome meeting for Reception parents
A caring Christian, community, where we love, learn and aim for excellence. Thursday 16th June 2016

2 The Team

3 School Structure Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2
Classes Class 1 – Yr R and 1 Class 2 – Yr 1 and 2 Class 3 – Yr 3 and 4 Class 4 – Yr 4 and 5 Class 5 – Yr 6

Exciting and broad learning experience. Happy, caring atmosphere. Emphasis on developing ‘The Whole Child’. Each child valued. Christian Ethos. Part of a team – Staff, pupils, parents and Governors.

Confident Individuals Responsible Citizens Life Long Learners CHRISTIAN LEARNING ATTITUDES Courage (Risk Taking) Cooperation (Relationships) Reflection Creativity (Resourcefulness) Perseverance (Resilience)

6 Ben Nevis – BLUE Everest – YELLOW Snowdon -GREEN Kilimanjaro - RED
Aim High! Ben Nevis – BLUE Everest – YELLOW Snowdon -GREEN Kilimanjaro - RED

During the year we have main topics which are starting points but the Early years curriculum encourages children to take their learning towards their own interests. Therefore we leave enough time for the class to make their own suggestions for mini topics within the main topics. Next Year’s main topics are: Autumn – Superheroes Spring – Summer –

8 Routine Arrive by 8.50 am. Playground gates open 8.40 am.
Children line up when whistle blows with their class. For the first few weeks children can be brought into the classroom to be settled if needed. The first day of school for Reception children will be Wednesday 6th September 2017.

9 Parents can choose when their child goes full time
Parents can choose when their child goes full time. We recommend: All children start school in September if they are ready. During the first 2 weeks of part time attendance (8:50 to 12:35) the school works closely with parents to decide whether the child is best suited to attend full time from Monday 18th September or to attend part time until half term when we review. A letter is enclosed in your book bag for you to express your preference. It is VERY tiring for children when they first start so it is important they get an early night before school.

10 School uniform – Ideally no laces or fiddly button shirts, EVERYTHING named. This helps to make children independent when changing for P.E.

11 Our Autumn term topic is Heroes
The Curriculum for Reception consists of 7 areas: Communication & Language, PSED, Physical Development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding The World and Expressive Arts & Design. Our Autumn term topic is Heroes

12 All children will be issued with a reading book and reading journal.
In Reception, it is expected that children read their school book every day and that this is recorded in the reading journal so progress can be monitored in school. When the children are ready we will send home letter sounds cards, tricky words and a number activity for the children to practise. These activities will be sent home at least half-termly and will be dependent on the progress of the children. Children may choose library books once a week on a Friday. Please use a book bag. Lots to carry everyday, keeps it all in one place!

13 Preparing for school Practice changing in and out of PE kit.
Encourage children to become responsible for their belongings during the summer holidays – they are expected to look after own belongings (jumpers etc) when in school. If your child is having hot dinners please ensure they can use a knife and fork.

14 New Parents’ Pack PERMISSION FORMS:
Permission to be Photographed or Filmed in School Local Visits within the Parish of Cowfold Pupil Premium Application Home-School Agreement Internet Use Permission Form (Reception) Cool Milk Administration of Medicine (including Inhalers for Asthma) - Request-able

15 Please can you help?

16 Parents’ evening in October
4 WEEKS IN MEETING Thursday 5th October at 9am. Ends 10am. Parents’ evening in October STAY & PLAY CLUB FREE HOT DINNERS

17 Please have a look around the classroom and stay for a chat.

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