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Narrative Terms to Know

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Presentation on theme: "Narrative Terms to Know"— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrative Terms to Know
Words to help you understand what you read and do a great job on any test you take!

2 Narrative Definition— A story with a sequence of events Non Examples
Biography Autobiography Examples Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief Bridge to Terabithia

3 Analyze Definition— To examine something closely with the intent of looking at the different parts & seeing how they fit into the whole.

4 Sensory Details Definition—
Details that have to do with the 5 senses, touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight.

5 Sensory Details Event A day at the beach Visual Details
Children playing in the sand People lying on the beach and swimming in the water Sparkling sand with white-speckled shells Water meeting the blue sky at the horizon Lifeguard stand and hot dog stand Sounds Chatter and laughter of children Parents and children talking The lifeguard’s warning whistle The lapping of the surf against the sand The splashing of swimmers Smells Ocean air Slight fishy smell Whiff of roasting hot dogs Scent of suntan lotion Tastes Salt water Hot dogs Feelings/Textures Heat of sun on back sweat, cool water, and towel on skin Sand between toes

6 Dialogue Definition— The conversation between characters in a story. This will be set off with quotation marks.

7 Conflict Definition— Problems or struggles that characters face.
External conflicts- are problems between the character and either another character, nature, or society Internal conflicts- is a problem or conflict the character is struggling with within his or herself



10 Resolution Definition—
How the problem is solved, or the outcome of the outcome of the conflict.


12 Theme Definition— The message the author wants the reader to understand from the story. Usually about life, human nature, or society. Theme is usually implied, not stated directly.


14 Point of View Definition—
1st person point of view—one of the characters is telling the story. I and we are pronouns used through the story. 3rd person point of view—the story is told from the viewpoint of a narrator, he, she and they are used as pronouns in the story.


16 Mood Definition— The emotions created in the reader by the author’s word choice.

17 Tone Definition— The attitude taken toward the subject or audience by the writer.

18 A Final Word Remember these terms to help you understand what you read, and be successful on any test you take!!

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