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Bell Ringers – 2018-2019 – week 2 A daily skill builder.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringers – 2018-2019 – week 2 A daily skill builder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringers – – week 2 A daily skill builder

2 power word - abhor Step 3: Create Sentences and Highlight the Context Clues Step 2: Part(s) of Speech Step One: Definition(s) 1. To regard with extreme dislike, to hate; detest utterly; loathe. 2. Verb (used with object - abhor who or what?) 3. Sam absolutely abhorred cleaning out the aquarium because of its slimy sides. I abhor asparagus; I will never eat them. It was nice of Sarah to bring her iPod, but I abhor her taste in music.

3 Rootuesday procedure aqua Definition: water
Write the new Latin root on the tree trunk. Look up the meaning of the root. Record it in the box below the tree. Look for words that include the root. Choose six that you don’t know. On each section of the tree, write a word, its part of speech, and its definition. Choose three of the new words. In the box below the tree, write a sentence for each. Highlight the context clue. aqua Definition: water

4 Rootuesday- continued
procedure Aquatic - adj Meaning: growing or living in water Aqueous - adj Meaning: similar or related to water Write the new Latin root on the tree trunk. Look up the meaning of the root. Record it in the box below the tree. Look for words that include the root. Choose six that you don’t know. On each section of the tree, write a word, its part of speech, and its definition. Choose three of the new words. In the box below the tree, write a sentence for each. Highlight the context clue. Aqueduct - n Meaning: pipe or channel that carries a huge volume of water Aqualung - n Meaning: breathing equipment used during underwater diving or swimming Aquatic - adj Meaning: growing or living in water Aquamarine - adj Meaning: a light blue green or greenish blue color

5 Rootuesday- continued
procedure Aquamarine – The beautiful hot spring was aquamarine. Write the new Latin root on the tree trunk. Look up the meaning of the root. Record it in the box below the tree. Look for words that include the root. Choose six that you don’t know. On each section of the tree, write a word, its part of speech, and its definition. Choose three of the new words. In the box below the tree, write a sentence for each. Highlight the context clue. Aqueduct– Long ago, farmers built aqueducts that brought water to their crops. Aquatic – When Ann was little, she abhorred water; however, once she learned to swim, she seemed aquatic, rarely getting out of the pool.

6 Write it right Wednesday This week’s skill –Semicolon in a compound sentence
Explanation: Two sentences can be combined in to one compound sentence with only a semicolon between the two sentences. This connection can only be made if the two smaller sentences are closely related in meaning. The first word after the semicolon is not capitalized unless it is a proper noun or the pronoun I.

7 write it right Wednesday
Step 3: Practice Using the Skill and Create Your Own Sentences Step 2: Listen to the Lesson Step One: List the Skill 1. Use of a Semicolon to Form a Compound Sentence 2. 3. Cats are good pets; they are personable and independent. I abhor green, leafy vegetables; kale is the absolute worst! Sandra enjoys aquatic activities; she spends hours in the pool daily.

8 ThrowBack Thursday This week’s skill – Capital I in contractions
Explanation: The pronoun I is always capitalized. That does not change when it is used in a contraction. Contractions using I are: I’m (I + Am) I’d ( I + did, I + had, I + would) I’ll ( I + will, I + shall) I’ve ( I + have)

9 throwback Thursday 1. Capitalizing I in Contractions 2.
3. I’d like to visit the capitol where state legislation is made. I’ve seen Beryl Spring in Yellowstone National Park; it has a beautiful aquamarine color. The pages I’ll be reading explain how an aqualung functions. Step 3: Practice Using the Skill and Create Your Own Sentences Step 2: Listen to the Lesson Step One: List the Skill

10 Fix-it friday This week’s skill – Use of the verb bring
Explanation: The verb bring is irregular when it forms its parts. The present part is bring or brings. The past is often misused; it is the word brought. Many people mistakenly say brung, but that is incorrect. The past participle is also brought. Past participles require have, has, or had before them.

11 fix-it Friday 1. Use of the Verb Bring
2. The three parts of the verb are bring(s), brought, and have/has/ had brought. 3. She brings joy to everyone around her; her pleasant ambiance fills the room. The school brought aquatics programs into the curriculum. As a Congressman, I’ve brought many new ideas to the Capitol. Step 3: Practice Using the Skill and Create Your Own Sentences Step 2: Write It in Your Own Words Step One: List the Skill

12 Making meaning Monday 1. are – linking verb – plural present form of the verb “to be” We are experimenting on the aqueous liquid to see its properties. 2. our – possessive pronoun – shows ownership in first person I abhor the evacuation plan; it is time to revise it. 3. hour – n – period of time (60 minutes); a specific time of day The bell chimes on the hour. 4. capitol – noun – the building in Washington, D.C.; any building making laws The N.H.D. students had a guided tour of the Capitol in D. C. I’d like to see the capitol where laws are created. 5. capital – n/adjective- the official seat of government in a city, state, or country; an uppercase letter; accumulated money or property The capital of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg. I have earned capital gains. Step 3: Practice Using the Skill and Create Your Own Sentences Step 2: Write the Part(s) of Speech and Definition(s) Step One: Write the Word

13 Test it tuesday

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