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FY19 Controller Call Series

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1 FY19 Controller Call Series
The presentation will begin momentarily Welcome to the FY18 Controller Call Series. this call series – *created by unit controllers and supported by Finance to review topics and inform the Controller Network about timely topics that impact the controller role. I am CS, w/ Financial Shared Services (FSS), coordinator of the CN call series, and your host for today. To anyone new to Network - *Welcome to this call series. To invite others from your team to the network, send me an to add to the DL, or simply forward invites for topics that impact team roles. February 2019

2 Client Accounting (Suzanne Burns, Ann Marie Marbaker)
Safety Moment Client Accounting (Suzanne Burns, Ann Marie Marbaker) UFS AP Module Update (Corinne Szabo) AP Department Support (Steve Dabrowski) eVAR Procedures (Lorene Mietz) Questions Today’s call is the first of two Unit Controller Calls for the month of February. The content of both calls is the same. Please use the chat, or conversation, function at the lower left of the Skype screen, to ask questions as we proceed through the agenda. We will pause for your questions between each topic and also at the end of the presentation. As employees of Sodexo, no matter what level, you are expected to personally demonstrate your commitment to improving our health and safety culture. Our goal is zero accidents. A Safety Moment during every meeting will demonstrate the importance of the health and safety culture at Sodexo.

3 Safety Moment: As employees of Sodexo, no matter what level, you are expected to personally demonstrate your commitment to improving our health and safety culture. Our goal is zero accidents. A Safety Moment during every meeting will demonstrate the importance of the health and safety culture at Sodexo.

4 Cell Phone Safety Policy
DID YOU KNOW THE ONLY THING YOU SHOULD BE DOING WHEN YOU’RE DRIVING IS DRIVING. Behind the wheel, nothing is more important than focus. A laser focus on what’s ahead, around and behind your vehicle. Stay aware of road and weather conditions, traffic, pedestrians, your speed, and your need to be in complete control of your vehicle. Do not take a call, make a call, text, apply makeup, eat, let your eyes or mind wander to other people in your car, or do anything other than focus on your driving. If any of the above things must be done, pull safely off the road and out of the traffic flow to do them. Every day people are killed and injured simply because a driver is distracted. Don’t be one of them. Safety Moment

5 Sodexo_Net - Cell Phone Safety Policy
The purpose of this revised safety/driving policy is to prohibit the unsafe practices of text messaging and handheld mobile telephone and other electronic device use by Company employees while driving in connection with Company business. SCOPE: All employees POLICY: While on Company business or when performing any work for or on behalf of the Company, employees shall not: 1. engage in text messaging or 2. use a handheld mobile telephone or other electronic device (a) when driving Company-owned, leased, or rented vehicles (b) when driving client-owned, leased, or rented vehicles (c) when driving privately-owned, leased, or rented vehicles This policy applies whether the handheld mobile telephone or other electronic device is personally-owned or Company-supplied. Last Updated: January 28, :52:44 pm Distracted Driving with New Cell Phone Policy Safety Moment

6 Client Accounting Services and Solutions
February 2019 Hello, I am Sue Burns, Sr Mgr. of Client Accounting Solutions department, formerly known as Client Services. I along with Ann Marie Marbaker, the Analyst of Client Accounting Solutions are here to present information regarding our team.

7 Gathering Feedback - Survey Questions
Organization Chart Key responsibilities How to Contact Us Metrics Gathering Feedback - Survey Questions We are going to discuss the following: Where our team falls within the Management Accounting group Key Responsibilities of our Department How to best contact our team Department Metrics A future Survey And give you a opportunity to ask us questions.

8 Management Accounting – Client Accounting
Management Accounting has multiple departments handling various responsibilities. Client Accounting is one department within Management Accounting. This slide shows an organization chart for the Management Accounting Organization located in sunny Buffalo, New York. The Management Accounting Group is lead by our VP Sue Walter, and she supports a team of approximately 130 individuals. Reporting to Sue are multiple departments with various responsibilities including Financial Accounting, Contract Administration, Government Accounting, SAP Initiatives and Integrations, and our department, Client Accounting.

9 Ann Marie Marbaker Analyst
June Just Director II Debra Schoenrock Sr Mgr II Accountants (14) Lauren Burton Analyst Katrina Lubecki Suzanne Burns Accountants (16) Ann Marie Marbaker Analyst Tim Rathbun Analyst Client Accounting – June Just Client Billing Standardization and Statistics Client Invoice adjustments; cancel & rebill EDI Client Billing Implementation Contract Amendments; Billing Rates Segment Focus Groups Financial Close Scheduling Client Accounting Services - Deb Schoenrock Deficit Tracking & Guarantees IFM Reconciliation & Tracking Brand Accounting and Reconciliation Closed Client Process Financial Close Support Trend Analysis & KPM Client Accounting Solutions - Sue Burns Robotics – mailbox sorting Account Reconciliations Financial Close Coordination & Support Client Settlements & Statements DM Calls & Accounting Tips Payroll Research and Support (US & Canada) As I stated earlier, we have changed our name from Client Services, to Client Accounting to emphasize our focus on Accounting. We are a team of 37, lead by our Director June Just. I, along with Sr Manager Debra Schoenrock, each have a team of accountants that support all segments with the except of Government cost centers and new business. The Government Accounting department handles all government contracts and Contract Management departments handles all new business. This slide details a list of the functions that Client Accounting performs. You may be most familiar with the Financial Close, however we are also responsible for the following: Our Director June Just oversees the following teams and processes: Deb Schoenrock oversees: I oversee:

10 NorAm Client Accounting -
How to Contact Us New Group mailbox address: NorAm Client Accounting - opt. 8, enter unit #, opt. 4 Monthly Support Calls and s are directed to dedicated Accountants Accountants sign up for 3 – 5 days to answer customer inquires Accountants work on projects, tasks & responsibilities, and process improvements Close Support Calls and s are directed to an assigned Accountant Accountants are available to help complete adjustments & research As I communicated on the Controller calls in November and December, we launched our new group mailbox. The Noram Client Accounting address has replaced our former individual segment mailboxes. We are pleased to say that we are receiving minimal activity addressed to the old mailboxes, so these segment mailboxes will be retired at the end of this month. Throughout the month, all calls and s sent to Client Accounting are handled as follows: Calls and s are directed to dedicated Accountants who sign up for 3 to 5 days during the month to answer customer inquires. On the days that the Accountants are not signed up to handle these inquires, they work on projects, tasks & responsibilities, and process improvements. Having this dedicated support system has helped us eliminate Voice Mail messages, and delays in responding to s due to PTO. It also helps us maintain our customer service when there is employee turnover. During Close (BD-3 through BD+8) we have a different structure. Calls and s are directed to a designated Accountants. Each accountant is assigned on average 450 cost centers within at least two segments. Accountants are available to support each other to complete requests. In fact, we enlist the help from other department accountants to complete requests during close due to the volume. SLA – during close we commit to answering or at least responding to all messages within 4 hours. During the rest of the month, we will respond within 1 business day.

11 Use the Standard Close Adjustment form which is located on SodexoNet
Helpful Tips Tips: Always include your cost center number on subject line, for example Provide detailed information to help us answer your question or perform research Use the Standard Close Adjustment form which is located on SodexoNet During the December Controllers Call, I discussed our departments work with the Robotic Process Automation team, to automate the sorting and distribution of Client Accounting s. I am happy to say that the “bot” has successfully been deployed, and is sorting messages to the accountants. For the bot to properly sort, I would like to remind you to always include your cost center number within the subject line of your . Also, for all requests, please add as much detailed information as possible. This will cut down on back and forth s and or additional calls for clarification. If you have adjustments for us to process, please consider using the “Standard Close Adjustment” form that is found on SodexoNet. This form is broken out in individual tabs representing the type of adjustment needed, from ending inventory adjustments to transfers, making it easier to request and process your adjustment.

12 Client Accounting Metrics
Correspondence Average 10,000 s per month 10% Customer Service 4% Research 11% Adjustments 40% exchanges Note – recommend a phone call to discuss issue vs exchanges Phone Calls Average 500 calls per month 30% or 150 calls during close FY 19 PERIOD # OF NONCLOSE ENTRIES # OF CLOSE ENTRIES Close JE Multiplier # OF ENTRIES PER DAY-NONCLOSE # OF ENTRIES PER DAY-CLOSE 5 390 1065 2.73 13 266 4 340 999 2.94 11 250 3 447 1106 2.47 15 277 2 400 1049 2.62 262 1 342 1128 3.30 282 Client Accounting receives an average of per month. Some of these s can be grouped in Customer Service, Research, Adjustments, s exchanges. Examples of Customer Service, would be a request to provide a copy of invoice. Research would be a request from the field to understand a particular charge on their P/L. Adjustments would be journal entries that need to be written by Client Accounting Client Accounting also receives about 500 calls per month, 30% of those calls are just in the few days of close week. The close multiplier column shows how many times greater the number of entries written during close is when compared with non-close. The # of entries per day non close assumes a month has 30 days and the number of entries that are written close is the total close s received divided by the first four days of close. Title of the document or activity name – Month XX, 2012 – Insert tab > Header/Footer

13 Client Accounting Feedback
We continually look to improve our processes and strengthen our customer service skills. A simple quick survey will be sent to customers randomly to gather feedback on our performance. Sample Questions: How satisfied were you with your experience today? Overall, how easy was it to solve your problem or answer your question? Please rate the quality of service you received today. Was the Accountant able to assist you or were you transferred to another department/area? How would you rate the Accountant responding to your message? We are always looking to improve our processes and strengthen our customer service skills. A simple quick survey will be sent randomly to gather feedback on our performance. Examples of the types of questions we will ask include:

14 Questions

15 UFS Updates Accounts Payable Module
February Controller Call

16 UFS Updates: Accounts Payables Module
AP Entry Screen AP Entry no Longer Possible Using a Vendor with “INACTIVE” in Name Description Users will no longer be able to create a manual invoice entry using vendors with “INACTIVE” in name description

17 UFS Updates: Accounts Payables Module

18 UFS Updates: Accounts Payables Module

19 UFS Updates: “INACTIVE” Vendor
AP Entry no Longer Possible Using a Vendor with “INACTIVE” in Vendor Name Description If you are entering an Accounts Payable invoice and select a vendor number with the description of “INACTIVE” displayed in front of the vendor name, you will receive an error message and no longer be able to continue with the invoice entry process A Vendor Number can fall into delete/inactive status for several reasons. No activity for 15 months The vendor wants to consolidate down to one vendor number for remit to The vendor could possibly no longer be an approved vendor

20 UFS Updates: “INACTIVE” Vendor
CALL TO ACTION: Non-transmitted AP Entries with “INACTIVE” showing in the vendor name description, should be removed.  DO NOT TRANSMIT. Transmitted invoices not showing up on the AP Invoice Register (AP Dashboard in Enterprise Analysis), contact If you have a vendor that has fallen into “INACTIVE” status and want to inquire about having them reinstated, contact Vendor Maintenance Pending eVAR completion, invoices may need to be accrued. Contact Accounts Payable to request a unit level accrual

21 EVAR Portal to access Forms Portal
Enterprise Portal application is accessed through MySodexo Select Electronic Vendor Action Request Portal eVAR Enterprise Portal Controller’s Call

22 EVAR Portal to access Forms Portal
Select Vendor Reinstate or Name Change Form Note: Vendor Reinstatement Requests follow the same process flow as a New Vendor Request Client Procurement Services (CPS) will enter the vendor number in the request upon reviewing. eVAR Enterprise Portal Controller’s Call

23 Checking EVAR Request StatusPortal
The My Requests (B) queue displays forms that are In Progress or Complete (C). You can click the Request # (D) to review and/or edit requests. The Vendor Number (E) displays once a new request has been completed. The requestor will receive an when a reinstatement has been completed eVAR Enterprise Portal Controller’s Call

24 Checking EVAR Request Statuses Forms Portal
Located at the bottom of the request ID Request History (A) records the request Status (B): from when the request was made until the request is completed. If there were any rejections along the way, there would be a Reason provided and recorded (C). Comments, if entered, are tracked at each approval step (D). eVAR Enterprise Portal Controller’s Call

25 EVAR Information on Sodexonet access Forms Portal
Please visit the electronic Vendor Action Request (eVAR) page for training guides, status definitions, and the answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs). “SIM Transferred” status means the request is waiting for the vendor to complete the registration process. Contact the vendor first before contacting the SIM administrator for updates at eVAR Enterprise Portal Controller’s Call

26 Questions?

27 Resources Client Accounting Accounts Payable Vendor Maintenance
opt. 8, enter unit #, opt. 4 Accounts Payable AP Invoice Processing: Invoice Payments: options 1, 2, 3 Vendor Maintenance , option 1, option 1 Accounts Receivable or call Option 2, Option 2. Collections support and advice, UFS Help Desk (UFS technical support): (888) options 1, 2, 1 UFS Administrator (general UFS questions):

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