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Age of exploration.

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1 Age of exploration

2 So far…… Why did the Explorations begin-demand for spices, support from rulers, improvements in shipbuilding and navigation Life on board a ship- food, diseases, weather Explorers from Portugal- Prince Henry the Navigator (sponsored voyages down the coast of Africa), Bartholomew Diaz (rounded the Cape of Good Hope), Vasco Da Gama (discovered the sea route to the East) Explorers from Spain- Colombus and Magellan

3 columbus Why did he explore? He believed the earth was smaller than it actually it. He believed the world was round. He was to convert people to Christianity. He wanted to become famous and wealthy Who gave him help? Portugal refused so instead he asked Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen of Spain. The provided him with 3 ships-Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta. He was promised that he would become the governor of the lands he would discover as well as getting the ‘Admiral of the Ocean Sea’ What happened on his voyage? In 1492, Columbus sailed from Palos, in the south of Spain, with a crew of 90 sailors. He headed for the canary islands, where he carried out repairs and took on fresh water and supplies. He sailed westwards, helped by trade winds. He kept two logbooks-one in which he recorded the correct distances the ships were travelling, and one in which he recorded the incorrect distances so as not to alarm his crew.

4 What did he discover? Columbus landed on San Salvador in the Bahama Islands. He later explored Cuba and Hispaniola. The Santa Maria ran aground and he constructed a fort with its timbers. He set sail for Spain, leaving behind 40 men at the fort. He took with him gold, pineapples and six Indians. He as praised by Ferdinand and Isabella when he got home What were the results of his voyage? Columbus went on later voyages and discovered more islands as well as the coast of South America. He thought he had discovered America. Spain brought settlers to these lands, spread the Spanish culture and language and the Catholic religion. Gold and silver were sent back. As a result, Spain grew rich and powerful.. The Pope got Spain and Portugal to agree to the Treaty of Tordesillas in which they divided the newly discovered lands between them. Land to the west of the line of Tordesillas belonged to Spain; land to the east belonged to Portugal.

5 Magellan Who was Magellan? He was a Portuguese captain who sailed from Spain Who gave him help? Magellan proposed to King George V of Spain that the Spice Islands were in the Spanish half of the world. He promised he would find a new route there by sailing south around the newly discovered continent of America. He believed there was a strait-El Paso- which would take him into the great South Sea which the Spanish had seen from Panama. Charles gave him five ships and made him governor of all the lands he would discover, and promised him 5% of the profits of the voyage. Where did he sail? He sailed from Seville with the ships, including the flagship, Trinidad. He sailed to the Canary Islands to get fresh water and supplies. He crossed the Atlantic Ocean and sailed down the coast of South America looking for El Paso. Along the way he saw Penguins and Ilamas. He spent the winter in Port St Julian in Argentina. Here he cleaned the hulls of his ships. Soon after he found El Paso How did the voyage end? Magellan eventually reached Philippine Islands. Here he got involved in a war between two tribes and was killed in battle. Sebestain del Cano took command and reached the Spice Islands. He then sailed the last remaining ship, the Victoria round the coast of Africa back to Spain. Only 18 sailors survived the voyage. Magellans voyage proved the earth was round but it also proved the Spice Islands were in the Portuguese half of the world.

6 Spanish conquests Cortes- conquered the Aztecs in a Mexico Pizarro- conquered the Incas in Peru

7 keywords Caravel Clinker built Astrolabe Latitude Log and line
First mate Portolan charts The Enterprise of the Indies Treaty of Tordesillas Conquistadores

8 Clinker built

9 Astrolabe

10 Portolan chart


12 Consequences of the explorations

13 Impact of the explorations on the natives
Decay of Empires: The Aztec empire in Mexico and the Inca empire in Peru collapsed. Natives were used as slaves and many died from European diseases. Slavery: Shortages of native workers to work on European plantations in the Americas led to slaves being brought from Africa. Spread of Christianity: Spain and Portugal spread the Catholic religion, and Britain and Holland spread Protestant religions in the areas they conquered. European culture: European culture, language and architecture spread to the colonies while native culture declined.

14 Benefits of the explorations to europeans
Rise of Empires: Some European countries such as Portugal, Spain and England created great empires New foods: Tea, potatoes, sugar and turkeys are examples of the new foods that came from America. Tobacco was also introduced to Europe. Geographical knowledge: Europeans developed new maps and all the main parts of the world were explored. The old ideas Europeans had about the world were shown to be wrong.

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