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Knowledge Connections

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Connections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Connections
Vocabulary  Navigate Caravel Term Definition Knowledge Connections Picture

2 How did new technologies affect various parts of the world?
Essential Question How did new technologies affect various parts of the world?

3 How did explorers navigate at sea?
Many tools to navigate came about through trade COMPASS ASTROLABE Used a magnetized needle to determine direction Used the sun and stars to determine latitude

4 Used new data to create better maps
How did navigation improve maps? Mapmakers CARTOGRAPHERS Used new data to create better maps

5 European sailing vessels
What were their ships like? Design features: Triangular sails Moveable rudder Small square sails Equipped with rifles and cannons CARAVELS European sailing vessels

6 How powerful were the explorers?
An mixture of chemical that exploded when lit GUNPOWDER A Chinese invention Brought to Europe during the Crusades Fire power used in conquest….. Soon conquest would go hand in hand with exploration

7 How did new technologies affect various parts of the world?
Essential Question How did new technologies affect various parts of the world?


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