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What is The Neolithic Revolution?

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Presentation on theme: "What is The Neolithic Revolution?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is The Neolithic Revolution?
Shift from HUNTING AND GATHERING to SETTLED COMMUNITIES Cultivation of surplus crops = no longer need to wander looking for food = can stay in one place Civilizations need to be near freshwater – why? -Irrigation and transportation

2 What Cause the Neolithic Revolution?
There were too many people and they were starving so they sought another source of food that is fruits, vegetables, and etc.

3 What were the effects? Cultivation of crops led to settled communities. Farming in ancient Mesopotamia resulted in an abundance of food, which enabled civilization to emerge. Civilizations developed unequal social structures and a specialization of jobs New jobs were created and market economies based on trade developed.

4 6 Characteristics of Civilization
The Neolithic Revolution 6 Characteristics of Civilization 1. Rise of Cities 2. Social Structure/Social Distinctions 3. Government 4. Writing/Record Keeping 5. Religion 6. Artistic Achievements

5 What does this represent?

6 What does this represent?
Unequal Social Structures and Specialization of jobs

7 Before we begin!!!!! Political: Who controls what? What type of government is there? Anything to do with laws or war. Economic: What type of economy? How do people make a living? Geography: Where is it? Is the land mountainous? Desert? Oceanic? Social: Religious, intellectual, artistic

8 Ancient River Valley Civs

9 Irrigation and Transportation by Waterways
Why Settle Here? Irrigation and Transportation by Waterways

10 ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA SUMERIANS Oldest known civilization
Number system based on 60 Old Testament Polytheism Ziggurat (right) Cuneiforms

11 Geography This civ rose in the valleys between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Some say this Fertile Crescent was the real Garden of Eden.

12 Social This is cuneiform.
Babylonians wrote using this “wedge-shaped” writing on clay tablets. The Sumerians invented writing.

13 Economic: trade and farming
Sumerians (Mesopotamians) were known to trade with the Egyptians and the Indus Valley civilizations. In later years, these trade routes became Silk Road.

14 Sumerians invented the wheel!
The wheel was invented by 6000 BC! It helped military, farming and trade. At right, this is made of wood.

15 Political:Mesopotamian Law
Code of Hammurabi “eye for an eye tooth for a tooth”

16 ANCIENT EGYPT Nile River Mummies Pharaohs Hieroglyphics Polytheism

17 Egyptian civilization
Egyptian civilization arose a bit after Mesopotamia. Geography: It was centered around the Nile River.

18 The Nile River

19 Pyramids These are the Giza pyramids, the most famous.
Pyramids were tombs for the kings. These were built in 3500 B.C.E.

20 Political:Egyptian Pharaohs
Egyptians were led by Pharaohs. They were priest-kings King Tut is the most famous Using computers, this image was reconstructed using his remains

21 Mummies Egyptians who could afford to do so would have themselves mummified. They believed in a better afterlife if their body was preserved.

22 Mummies

23 Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphics

24 Egyptian economy Although Egypt looks really sophisticated, the economy is a traditional economy based on farming and trade. Egyptians traded up and down the Nile, with Mesopotamians and sometimes with Indus Valley (in Pakistan)

25 Indus Valley civilization

26 Indus River Valley This civ is still mysterious.
The writing has not been translated. Invented a plumbing system

27 Indus River civilization
We do know the cities were sophisticated enough to have brick walls surrounding them for protection against flooding from the Indus River.

28 Indus Economy Just like the other river valley civs, the Indus river valley people were mostly farmers. Traditional economy They did trade with Chinese and with Sumerians (Mesopotamians).

29 ANCIENT CHINA Great Wall Began 2000 B.C. Mandate of Heaven Dynasties
Silk astronomy

30 Yellow River Civilization
G:Ancient China was formed around the Yellow River. The color yellow symbolized “centrality”, as in China is the center of the world.

31 Chinese accomplishments
During the Zhou and Shang periods, the Chinese made remarkable achievements in astronomy and bronzework, learned to make silk and create books, and developed a complex system of writing

32 E:Chinese invented silk
Silk was exotic and expensive, so it was good for trading with the rest of the world. It is made from silk worms. Silk also makes “paper”

33 According to Chinese political theory, every dynasty goes through the so-called dynastic cycle:
A new ruler unites China and founds a new dynasty. China, under the new dynasty, achieves prosperity and a new golden age. The royal family of the dynasty begins to decay, corruption becomes rampant in the imperial court, and the empire begins to enter decline and instability. The dynasty loses the Mandate of Heaven, their legitimacy to rule, and is overthrown by a rebellion. The Mandate of Heaven is then passed to the next dynasty


35 Hammurabi's Code - Hammurabi was the King and founder of the Babylonian empire - code contained 282 laws - settled conflict in ALL    areas of life

36 Hammurabi's Code - based on the idea of "eye for an eye"
- punishment should be equal to the crime committed

37 10 Commandments The Ten Commandments, are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in Judaism and most forms of Christianity. They include instructions to worship only God and to keep the Sabbath, and prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, and adultery.

38 Extra Review Notes: The Sumerian and the Nile civilizations were similar in that they both established theocratic forms of government Creating calendars was important for early civilizations to be able to predict when flooding would occur. The geography of both India and China has separated and isolated them from the rest of the world.

39 Extra Review Notes: Egyptian civilization survived for centuries because the Nile Valley provided food and protection. The fertile crescent is the name for the area of good farmland along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Because the geography of Mesopotamia left it largely unprotected, the area was invaded over and over again.

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