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Guide : test administration directions
Read Pgs : read before administering all assessments – Again…this training does not take the place of reading the manual!
Separate test administration directions are no longer produced unless necessary. Test administration directions are consolidated across programs, grades, and subject areas. Two sizes of call-out boxes provide directions: Narrow boxes contain procedural instructions. TAs need to know information but do not read aloud to students TAs are not allowed to answer any questions related to the content of the test itself. If a student asks a question that you are not permitted to answer, you may respond for example, “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.”
Call – out boxes Wide boxes contain subject-or program specific instructions that should be read aloud to students, if applicable. Directions for students taking specified administrations are presented in wide boxes. The text at the beginning of the wide boxes indicates for which administrations the TA should read the directions. For ELLs receiving the linguistic accommodation of clarification in English of words in writing prompt: SAY “I have already talked to you about the kind of help I can give you. If you do not understand English words in the prompt, I can help you. Do you have any questions about the help you may receive?”
Seven sets of test administration directions
Sections containing instructions for multiple subjects also use brackets to indicate where you should insert information. “Today you will be taking the [SUBJECT-AREA] test of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness.” Verbally fill in the subject area. You must follow the directions presented in this section exactly as they are written.
Before reading test administration aloud
Students must use a No. 2 pencil. Students may write in their booklets/graph paper. Students may use scratch paper if needed. FOLLOW THE CHECKLIST!!
Testing accommodations
Testing accommodations: {Linguistic accommodations and/or accommodations for students with disabilities} Provided by campus test coordinator Students should know in advance of test the materials or types of assistance available to them
For ELLs on all components of STAAR
Allowed help in understanding the directions that are read aloud before the test begins (the “SAY” directions) as well as those that introduce particular test sections or item formats. TA may paraphrase, translate, repeat, or read aloud if the student requests assistance. TA may not add directions that are substantively different.
Oral Administration—Code OA
Test questions and answer choices may be read aloud or signed to eligible students for math, reading, science and social studies. TAs may wait to read aloud until all students are ready OR walk around the room and quietly read aloud to students at their own pace. TAs should read the Oral/Signed Administration accommodation policy found on the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities webpage, be trained on Appendix B (pgs ), and sign the appropriate section of the TAs oath.
Test Administration Specific Training
STAAR Writing Assessment 4th and 7th Spring 2013
Test Administration Directions for STAAR Grade 4 Writing (Day 1)
You must read the Guide to the Test Administration Directions on pages 41–43 of this manual before administering any state assessment. For ELLs, test administrators are allowed to translate, simplify, or repeat oral instructions as long as the substance of the directions is not changed. For students receiving accommodations due to a disability, the test administrator is permitted to modify the directions when needed. The following statement should be provided to ELLs and students with disabilities who are receiving an extended time accommodation. The test administrator will want to say, for example, “You will have [until the end of the school day; two days] to complete this part of the test…” The following statement is only for students with disabilities who are receiving the accommodation of basic transcribing. The test administrator will want to say, for example, “All of your answers and compositions must be recorded [in your test booklet; on the computer] before the end of the four-hour time period.” Students may work through the Day 1 multiple-choice and composition sections in any order that works best for them. Students are not permitted to open or work on the Day 2 portion of the test.
Test Administration Directions for STAAR Grade 4 & 7 Writing (Day 2)
Students may work through the Day 2 multiple-choice (4th grade only) and composition sections in any order that works best for them. Students are not permitted to work on the Day 1 portion of the test.
Test Administration Directions for STAAR Modified Grade 4 and 7 Writing
You must read the Guide to the Test Administration Directions on pages 41–43 of this manual before administering any state assessment. While administering STAAR Modified writing assessments, you must have a test booklet in order to read aloud designated portions of the test. You must also read and understand the information on pages for Grade 4 and pages for Grade 7 prior to administering the STAAR Modified writing test.
STAAR Modified Grade 4 and 7 Writing Continued
Prereading text marked with speaker icon appears at the beginning of the passage and should be read by the TA. Revising passages are presented in their entirety (not divided into parts) with all associated questions following. When all students have completed the test questions for a passage, the TA should read aloud the prereading text at the beginning of the next passage.
STAAR Modified Grade 4 and 7 Writing Continued
Editing passages are divided into parts and followed by questions related to that part. ONLY the prereading text can be read and may be read as many times as necessary. The TA may NOT read aloud the passage or the test questions or answer choices. (unless the student is afforded Linguistic Accommodations)
“I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.”
Reminders The TA may read aloud or sign the writing prompt. The TA may NOT elaborate on the prompt, give students an opening and/or closing sentence, information about how to organize their compositions or develop their ideas, or translate the prompt into another language Test administrators are NOT allowed to answer any questions related to the content of the test itself. If a student asks a question that you are not permitted to answer, you may say, for example, “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.”
Do you have any questions about
Reminders For ELLs receiving the linguistic accommodation of clarification in English of words in writing prompt: SAY… “I have already talked to you about the kind of help I can give you. If you do not understand English words in the prompt, I can help you. Do you have any questions about the help you may receive?”
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Dictionary Policy
The state assessment program has new policies for dictionary use on STAAR. Dictionaries must be available to ALL students taking: STAAR reading assessments (including STAAR Modified) at grades 6–8 STAAR writing assessments (including STAAR Modified) at grade 7 While students are working through the reading and writing assessments in the grades/courses listed above, they must have access to a dictionary. The school may provide dictionaries, or students may bring them from home. The minimum schools need is one dictionary for every five students testing, but the state’s recommendation is one for every three students or, optimally, one for each student. Although thesauruses are not required, they are allowable on all the assessments listed above, either in combination with a dictionary or as a separate resource. If districts make thesauruses available to students during testing, it is recommended that there be one thesaurus for every five students.
Dictionary Policy, continued
The following types of dictionaries are allowable on STAAR: Standard dictionaries in English Dictionary/thesaurus combinations Bilingual dictionaries* ESL dictionaries* Sign language dictionaries Both paper and electronic dictionaries are permitted. However, electronic dictionaries must not allow access to the Internet. Information regarding dictionaries as an accommodation for students with disabilities and English language learners can be found on the Accommodation Resources webpage. *Bilingual and ESL dictionaries should be provided in accordance with individual student needs based on how much students use them in instruction and classroom testing. While there is no requirement regarding a minimum number of bilingual or ESL dictionaries schools must provide, for ELLs who depend heavily on a dictionary in language arts instruction, it is recommended that there be one dictionary for each student. An ELL or other student may, as needed, use more than one of the above dictionaries.
Mathematics and Reading
STAAR, STAAR Modified, STAAR Spanish
General Directions For ELL’s, TAs are allowed to translate, simplify, or repeat oral instructions as long as the substance of the directions is not changed. For students receiving accommodations due to a disability, the TA is permitted to modify the directions when needed. The following statement should be provided to ELLs and students with disabilities who are receiving an extended time accommodation. The TA will want to say, for example, “You will have [until the end of the school day; two days] to complete this part of the test…” The following statement is only for students w/ disabilities who are receiving the accommodation of basic transcribing. The TA will want to say, for example, “All of your answers and compositions must be recorded [in your test booklet; on the computer]before the end of the four-hour time period.”
Reference Materials Math
Reference materials are included in test booklets on perforated pages Students can remove and use during testing If students write on or make notes, must be picked up, placed back in the bin and we will destroy after testing is complete.
Griddable Answers Write answer in boxes Fill corresponding circles
Do NOT need to fill in circles below boxes not used.
STAAR MODIFIED LINGUISTIC ACCOMMODATION Can help with certain words in English if student does not understand them Should already be aware of the kind of help they can receive.
STAAR Modified Speaker icon indicates what to read aloud—pre-reading text. It may be read as many times as necessary but only before students begin reading selection. It cannot be rephrased or clarified and voice inflection must be neutral. Selections divided into parts followed by questions for that section. If questions require entire selection, TA may read directions that instruct student to use whole selection. TA will need test booklet
Independent reading or OA on an as-needed basis
Read pre-reading text Allow student to read independently and answer questions Read next pre-reading text As-needed basis-TA may read any word or phrase in a test question or answer choice when asked. TA may NEVER read aloud reading selections.
Read ALL test questions and answers
TA reads pre-reading text Student reads selection independently TA reads questions and answer choices for that section. Procedure repeated TA is encouraged to combine reminders of time left with the pre-reading text to avoid additional disruption
Reading-8th May use dictionary during the reading test.
Breaking the Seal Monitor students carefully to prevent damaged tests and/or seals being broken prematurely. Some tests have pull tab others have paper seals. TA must make sure students break seal only for the appropriate subject. If a student break a seal, call for an administrator to tape and document the tear.
just do the best you can.”
I can’t answer…. TA are not allowed to answer any questions related to the content of the test itself. If a student asks a question that you are not permitted to answer, you may say: “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.”
Test Administrators Record start/end time Actively monitor
Check/remind students to record answers Do not comment or examine responses Collect materials Separate test booklets and answer docs Return all materials to campus coordinator
Seating Charts Will be ed to you or will be available on the Curriculum page of the B L Gray website. Rosters will be ed to you early next week. Student names and ID should be filled out prior to testing. Draw a diagram of your seating chart on the grid provided. Mark the start time for each student as soon as you begin testing. Note times student leaves the room on the restroom log and seating chart. Fill out book# and form# as students raise their hand when they are done testing. Mark the end time for each student as soon as you have picked up their materials. List accommodations as necessary.
Answer Documents 7th Grade 8th Grade Page 46 - 59
Students will copy the nine-digit number from the back of the test booklet into the boxes beside the words “TEST BOOKLET#” on the answer document” during instructions. TA will copy the number below the words “FORM# on the answer document and fill in the correct circles below when student turns in the test. TA will also bubble SCORE code under “W” when student turns in the test on DAY 2. Pages 61-67 Students will copy the nine-digit number from the back of the test booklet into the boxes beside the words “TEST BOOKLET#” on the answer document” for only that day! TA will copy the number below the words “FORM# on the answer document and fill in the correct circles below when student turns in the test. TA will also bubble SCORE code under “M” at the end of the1st day then “R” at the end of the second day.
Security At no time may a TA erase stray marks or darken answer-choice circles on students’ answer document. Unauthorized viewing, discussion, duplication, or scoring of secure test materials is not permitted at any time.
know WE believe in YOU and
ATTENDANCE NEED EVERYNE HERE!! If you have an emergency, please text all 3 administrators! Please remind and encourage students to be here – if they are not here, we will be calling home! You may wear jeans and comfortable shoes! Don’t ASSUME anything! Ask questions!! Please be patient and cooperative with everyone…stress level will be high! Most importantly… know WE believe in YOU and know YOU can do this!
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