Transitions Comp 1 LAP 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitions Comp 1 LAP 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 transitions Comp 1 LAP 2

2 Take notes on the following slides.

3 Transitions Transitions are words that help make writing more coherent. They create connections between: one clause and another clause one sentence and another sentence one group of sentences and the next group of sentences

4 Joining two independent clauses
One way of joining two independent clauses is with a semicolon, a transition, and a comma. Ellie is a great swimmer; furthermore, she has broken several records at IWA.

5 Connecting two sentences
Use a transition and comma to tell the reader the logical relationship between two sentences. Grace is an exceptional athlete. In fact, she plays three sports at IWA.

6 Transition Placement Rather than placing the transition at the beginning of the second sentence, you may place it in the middle of the second sentence after the subject with two commas. Grace is an exceptional athlete. In fact (transition), she (subject) plays three sports at IWA.

7 Transitions in Paragraphs
When writing a paragraph or a larger piece of writing, use a transition to show the reader the logical relationship between one group of sentences and another group of sentences. This is useful when you want to let the reader know that you are changing from one idea to another idea.

8 Transition Words In fact In addition In particular Consequently
Furthermore Therefore On the other hand As a result For instance Accordingly Refer to the transition handout from LAP 1

9 Application Apply what you have learned to your essay.
Add at least one transition word or phrase to each body paragraph. If transition words or phrases are already in each body paragraph, make note of the transitions. You may use your laptop to make add the transitions. With your person, share your revised sentences for edit. Note: You do not need to highlight yet, but you may start the highlighting stage if you would like. Please refer to your LAP for directions. If time permits, you may work on your packet.

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