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Impairment Considerations

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1 Impairment Considerations
UK Disability Inclusion Training: Coaches and Volunteers April 2012 Impairment Considerations Minimal Severe Congenital or Acquired Progressive or Non-progressive Time Allocation Slide 24 1 min Candidate Course Booklet N/A Electronic Candidate Resource Section 2 Appendix 1 Tutor Resources Key Notes Additional Tutor Notes No two people will functionally be the same, even if they have the same disability Treat people as individuals Any decision on the best way to include a person will depend on their functional ability and the activity that is taking place Some people with congenital conditions may have dormant abilities that they simply have not had the opportunity to develop Some people who have acquired their disability may still be physically, emotionally and mentally adjusting. Key point will be how long they have had their disability A condition may/may not be progressive The whole principle of inclusion hinges on the fact that it is necessary and ok to ask appropriate questions to ensure a session is safe/fun/ enjoyable 1





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