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Problems, Purpose and Questions

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1 Problems, Purpose and Questions
& Variables in design

2 Recap: The Problem The Potential Research Problem
State the research topic, potential research problem and develop a preliminary justification based on Professional experience (school or classroom data) and A scan of current state or national trends from Internet reports, state or district data, national reports (e.g., Reading First, A Nation at Risk, Goals 2000), or reports of professional organizations (e.g., CEC, NCTM, ISTE, etc.).

3 Once a potential research problem is identified, what next?
What is the process for developing this into an actual researchable problem? Determine what is known about the problem - Conduct a literature search to understand the nature of the problem more deeply (the "why" of the problem) or to identify previously reported "solutions" (the "how to" of the solution)

4 "Loop Back“ (using an iterative process) to the original problem statement. 
Relate what has been found to the current professional context.  "Are the parameters (causes, factors, extent) of the problem true in my context?"  "Have the solutions been attempted in my context?"  Then, if needed, clarify the research problem or the justification for the research

5 Make an initial assessment of whether the problem can and should be researched. 
Will a study contribute to knowledge or practice?  Is there access to people and sites?  Is there time, resources and skill to conduct the research study?

6 For the practitioner-researcher, the literature search has two purposes. 
To determine what is known about the particular research problem, To more deeply understand the nature of the problem and To determine whether solutions are known.  Including the research literature can Clarify the research problem or Extend the justification of the research problem For the research practitioner, this is part of a problem-solving process:  what do I know, what do I not know, how can I find out?

7 And to: To determine the deficiencies in the evidence base.
Identify 2-3 ways in which the professional research literature is limited.  Research needs to be replicated or extended, The problem to be further explored, or Overlooked perspectives ("voices") to be included.  It can also identify ways in which professional practice in the local context is deficient.

8 Locate the literature By using the key terms in a search using a search program (e.g., Google, Google Scholars) and several different electronic databases (ERIC, PsychInfo, Academic Search Premier)or search programs.  Obtain electronic (or paper) copies of the located literature

9 Check for relevance Read the literature and check its relevance to your topic.  When reading differentiate among primary and secondary resources.  Research reports Discussions, research syntheses, meta-analyses, research-to-practice Books, book chapters, annual research reviews, etc

10 Organization of a Table
Develop a table of evidence; a generic form would include Within-text citation (e.g., Smith & Jones, 2007) Targeted population Type of research Independent variables Dependent variables Results

11 Organize the literature
Define/delineate the core construct or the central phenomenon Determine how the literature addresses the research problem What do we know What do we not know What do we need to find out In the field as a whole In our professional context (classroom, school or district) Identify independent & dependent variables or central phenomenon

12 Effective Strategies Find references in things you read
Find other papers by the same author Narrow focus Or if you are not coming up with anything broaden focus Find similar papers in search engine

13 Purpose for research Specifies the intent of the study
I.e. how it intends to address the research problem.  The purpose uses action terms such as examine, describe, determine, assess, evaluate, explore, understand, improve, increase, decrease, etc.  Which of these terms would be associated with quantitative and which with qualitative research? The purpose also "declares" the type of research that will be done in the study

14 Variables! Variables! Independent- factors, treatment, predictors, antecedents, moderating, control Mediating variables –mediate the affect of the independent variables Dependent variables -influenced by independent variables

15 Example Moderating Variable
Effective PBIS Middle School Academic Achievement 3rd Grade Social Skills

16 Example Mediating Variable

17 Research Questions Provide the clearest specification of what the study intends to do, i.e. what relationships or phenomena will be examined and how.  Identify both The type of research and Either the Relationship between the independent and dependent variables being examined or Central phenomenon being explored.  The form of the research question is highly related to the type of research being conducted

18 Quantitative Research: Research Questions
Non-Experimental Descriptive -- Measure the Attitudes, opinions, beliefs or feelings The characteristics, achievement, progress in the curriculum, ability, aptitude, behavior, growth/development Of a particular population Research Question What is the _____ of ______ (toward/concerning ______)?

19 Comparative Research Questions
- Compare the Attitudes, opinions, beliefs or feelings  OR Characteristics, achievement, progress in the curriculum, ability, aptitude, behavior, growth/development Of two or more specific populations Research Questions What are the X_______ of A and B (toward/concerning _____)? How do A and B differ in X_______ (toward/concerning______)?

20 Correlation Research Questions
One characteristic or trait to another For the purpose of understanding “predictive” relationship Research Question What is the affect or relationship of X to Y among/for______?

21 Experimental: Research Questions
Effect of one or more treatments, interventions, manipulations Upon a characteristic or trait of specified population (s) Research questions What is the effect of A on X (Y and/& Z) among ________? What is the relative effect of A and B on X among _______? How does A ____________ (increase, decrease) X among

22 Qualitative: Reserach Questions
Emergent Themes: What are the X__________ (emergent patterns or themes) in context (s)____________ Comparative Contexts: In (context or situation)___________ what are common/ differing characteristics______________ Situational Questions: How do ___________ (reach conclusions/ influence)________ Theory Confirmation: Does ____________ confirm/support ____________ (theory, construct, assumption)

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