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Play and literary terms for

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1 Play and literary terms for

2 Act, Scene An act is a major division in a play.
A scene takes place in a certain location.

3 Protagonist The “good guy”/ the main character

4 Antagonist The “bad guy”/ character or force in conflict with the main character

5 Characterization The act of creating or developing a character

6 Flat character one side or one characteristic
A character that only shows one side or one characteristic of his or her personality. EX > Round character A character who shows multiple characteristics of his or her personality.  EX

7 Develops and grows throughout the course of the story
Dynamic character Develops and grows throughout the course of the story

8 a character that does not change
Static character a character that does not change

9 Dramatic foil A character that highlights or emphasizes opposing traits in another character

10 A contradiction between what a character knows and the reader knows
Dramatic irony A contradiction between what a character knows and the reader knows

11 Dialogue Conversation between characters to reveal character and advance the action.

12 Struggle between opposing forces.
Conflict Struggle between opposing forces.

13 torn between different
Internal Conflict exists within the mind of a character who is torn between different courses of action. Ex: Man v. himself

14 External Conflict a character struggles against some outside force, such as another character, nature, society, or fate. Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society

15 Present action is interrupted in order to witness past events
Flashback Present action is interrupted in order to witness past events

16 Foreshadow Clues that suggest events that have yet to occur

17 Motivation Why a character thinks, feels, acts, or behaves in a certain way Personality +situation=motivation

18 Point of view First person= 1, me , my, myself, we, us
Third person and third person omniscient = him, her, his, hers, them, they

19 Symbol Anything that stands for or represents something else. It can represent abstract ideas

20 Theme Central message or insight into life or a generalization about people or about life

21 Time and place of the story
Setting Time and place of the story

22 Primary Source Secondary Source An actual literary work
or historical document -> Secondary Source <- Material written about a primary source

23 Stage directions How the work is to be performed. They are in italics and are not spoken aloud!

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