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Describe this areas population structure?

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2 Describe this areas population structure?
Where in the world might this be? If you worked for the council in this area what problems may this structure provide you with? Listen to the radio article here

3 Ageing / Greying Population
This is when a country has a large number of people over the age of 65 in their country. What are the impacts on the country? Listen to the radio 4 article on the at the very bottom of this page on ageing population

4 Two main problems Health care Pensions
Provide more health care e.g. retirement homes, hospital beds, more undertakers, etc. Skilled health care workers, e.g. nurses, doctors, etc. Pensions 3 solutions Increase tax – not popular Raise retirement age – not popular Abolish state pensions – not popular

5 Case study: Italy's Ageing Population
Read the newspaper article and then answer the questions on the article.

6 Questions What is Italy’s Baby crisis?
List 5 changes that are occuring in the village of Vastrogirardi as it gets smaller Why is Italy’s birthrate falling so rapidly? (give 3 reasons) Describe and explain 3 different effects on Italy if the population structure changes in all villages.

7 Just a minute Talk for a minute on the following;
The problems of old people on a country’s services

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