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China Limits European Contacts

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1 China Limits European Contacts
Which advances under the Ming Dynasty allowed China to remain self-reliant & uninterested in European contact?

2 Ming Dynasty,

3 I. The Ming Dynasty, Hongwu: Chinese commoner who led a huge peasant army, proclaimed himself emperor 1. brought stability to China a. Reorganized legal system with harsh punishments b. Reorganized the tax system c. Civil Service Exam making gov’t posts open to all literate Chinese d. Centralized government. i. Eliminated many positions and killed enemies e. Improved economy through irrigation systems & offered free land and tools to farmers

4 B. Yongle’s (Yonglo’s) Curiosity
1. Hongwu’s son, Emperor Yongle, continued progress a. In 1405 (before Europeans) he launched the 1st of 7 voyages of exploration i. led by Chinese Muslim Admiral, Zheng He ii. End in 1433: Initially successful, but cost too much $ b. RESULT: China withdraws into isolation Yongle Zheng He

5 Zheng He’s vs. Columbus’ Ship


7 C. Other Accomplishments
1. Yongle moved capital to Beijing & built “The Forbidden City” a. a huge palace-complex b. “Forbidden City” because commoners and foreigners were not allowed to enter c. taxes raised to pay for it

8 D. Ming Dynasty’s Foreign Policies
1. Trade policies reflected China’s isolation 2. Kept influence of outsiders to a minimum Only the gov’t allowed to conduct foreign trade i. used only 3 coastal ports b. Merchants smuggled goods 3. Missionaries follow traders into China a. Brought Christianity & knowledge of European science & technology b. Chinese oppose this Western influence

9 Questions for Discussion
Please thoughtfully answer the following questions in complete sentences in your notebook. Be prepared to discuss with your classmates. 1-Why did the Chinese isolate themselves? 2-What are the outcomes of their isolationist policies? 3-Who gained most & least from this isolation?

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