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Presentation on theme: "HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY, & CONQUEST"— Presentation transcript:


2 HISTORY Herodotus – “father of history”
frequently added fables and superstition to the facts wrote about the Persian Wars Thucydides – “1st scientific historian” accurate & impartial view of the Peloponnesian War Very demanding in his methodology

3 PHILOSOPHY Socrates Plato Aristotle

4 SOCRATES believed in absolute standards for truth & justice
“Socratic Method” – believed all knowledge was innate and the teacher had to draw it out through constant questioning convicted of corrupting the youth of Athens (chose to drink poison rather than exile)

5 plato Socrates’ most famous student The Republic
Outlined the ideal society in which people are divided into three groups (gold – philosophers, silver – warriors, bronze – farmers) government should be run by the smartest “Allegory of the Cave” His school in Athens was The Academy


7 ARISTOTLE Plato’s most famous student
Traveled widely and often disagreed with Plato on many topics Set up his school called the Lyceum, which taught all branches of knowledge Believed the best government would be run by a single virtuous ruler His most famous student was Alexander the Great


9 Macedonian Conquest (338 – 323 BC)
Phillip II (King of Macedonia) loved Greek culture (conquered all of Greece except Sparta) His son Alexander came to 20 Over 13 years Alexander conquered Sparta, Persia, Egypt, Asia Minor, and India Hellenistic culture – a blend of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, & Indian cultures Alexander built cities all over his empire (called Alexandria) as beacons of this new culture

10 WHAT NOT TO DO! After his conquests, Alexander settled in Babylon for a “carpe diem” lifestyle He died at the age of 32, but unfortunately failed to name a successor Empire split between his generals Antigonus – Greece Ptolemy – Egypt Seleucus – Persia


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