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2 Role of Women in 1950s

3 Role of Women in 1950s Females were taught how to take care of the household and prepare themselves to be a dutiful wife and take care of children. Marriage and preparing for a family, more than education or a career, was seen as a definite.

4 Role of Women in 1950s TASK: Read the Good Wife’s Guide
Make some changes to suit modern day women Why was Jimmy’s father so upset with his wife all the time?

5 Role of Men in 1950s Males were expected to join the military or go out and get a job in order to help bring in money for their family or to take care of their future family.

6 Teenagers were also becoming more independent in the type of music they preferred to listen to, no more listening to what their parents liked, teens flocked to the new music of the decade, which was rock and roll. The word Teenager was created in the 1950’s due to the tremendous population of those in this age category and because teenagers started gaining more independence and freedoms. Teenagers were able to buy more things like food, clothes and music because of an increase in spending money.

7 Teenagers In the 1950’s, teenagers where more inclined and encouraged to attend college, find a skill, and seek a successful career. Their parents had more than likely gone through the depression and a number of wars, and now wanted something more for their children. Teenage rebellions? Blame was placed on working mothers, excessive wages for teenagers, a decline in family life, and the undue influence of film, comics and American literature.

8 Symbolism in The God Boy

9 Symbols in The God Boy Sacred heart of Jesus Thorns Sacrificial death Burning love for humanity Mary, Mother of Jesus ‘Hail Mary’ God as Jimmy sees him?

10 Symbols in The God Boy Jesus on the cross Died for the sins of others
Jimmy pushing nails into walls – arms outstretched - Pain for perceived sins What are the other protection techniques Jimmy uses?

11 Protection Techniques

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