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Age of Nationalism.

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1 Age of Nationalism

2 France of Napoleon III Used liberal and nationalistic forces to strengthen his own power 2nd Empire - wins support of people Gov looked liberal but strongly authoritarian kept constitution, leg, universal male suffrage Nap. controlled armed forces, secret police and legislature could not initiate leg or budget

3 2nd Empire Domestic Policies
Gov to spur economy - railroads, harbors, canals hospitals and free medicine for working class reconstruction of city of Paris - broad streets 1860s liberalization legalize trade unions and right to strike Leg Corps given more say in affairs of state

4 Foreign Policy Failures
Crimean War - Eastern Question - instability of Ottoman Empire ( ) Major Powers compete for political and economic interests in region 1853 spark - Russia wants right to protect Christian shrines in Palestine GB & FR declare war on Russia to balance Rus expected help from Austria but no dice

5 Crimean War cont. Nicholas I dies during war Alexander II calls for peace Effects: destroyed Concert of Europe Rus pulls back to get house in order GB pulls back from Continental affairs Aus w/o friends - conditions for IT & GER unification


7 Unification of Italy Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont leads w/ new king - Victor Emanuel II - Cavour his Prime Min. Cavour - goal of unified N. Italy - constitutional monarchy gets Nap III to help but backs out only gains Lombardy 1860 nationalist uprisings other northern states join Piedmont

8 Enter Garibaldi Old School from Mazzini’s Young Italy
Red Shirts ,000 strong move north Cavour gets Garibaldi to yield - fear French would get involved if march on Rome 1861 Kingdom of Italy minus Rome & Venetia still small minority of men vote & class division industrial N vs agrarian S

9 German Unification Prussia takes the lead - Zollverein 1834
universal male suffrage, industrial success 1861 King William I - wants to reform army appoints Otto von Bismarck PM Biz - Realpolitik - resubmits army bill w/ “iron and blood” speech rejected but starts army reform anyway

10 Biznass - the game chose him
Utilize diplomacy/politics - get enemy 1 v 1 Danish War - provide source for later war w/ Austria Isolates Austria Rus - no problem still hacked about Crimea FR - Nap III promised land in Rhineland IT - Promised Venetia if Aus lost

11 Austro-Prussian War Prussian military reforms pay off
Biz not want to punish Aus too harshly Aus lost Venetia to Italy States N of Main River - German Confed States S - military alliance w/ Prussia Turning Point in Domestic Affairs - nationalism wins out - trumps liberalism

12 Franco-Prussian War France not excited by idea of German Uni
Nap III - opposed Hohenzollern candidate for Spanish crown Biz goads France into war - Ems Telegram Biz wanted S. German states to join France declares war - loses in months

13 Results End of 2nd Republic in France pay 5 billion francs
Give up A & L *** source of anger later S. German states join confederation William I - kaiser of 2nd Reich Bundesrat - elected by states Reichstag - popularly elected

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