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Agenda Shortened Schedule – Delayed Start Winter Weather

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1 Agenda Shortened Schedule – Delayed Start Winter Weather
Discuss “Why I Left Goldman Sachs” (2nd block watch video and discuss) Start Rear Window

2 Reminders Homework: Read “The Joneses Wear Jeans” article (handout – marking for ethos/pathos/logos) Outliers – You should be done with the book! Chapters 8,9, and Epilogue will be on the Unit Test Upcoming: Film Projects Due, Thursday, 12/13 Sign Up Sheet on Board Success Unit Test, Friday, 12/14 Study Guide will be posted tonight!

3 Argument and Analysis: Two Different Mediums
Read and annotate the article. Your reading purpose is below. Annotate with this in mind. Reading Purpose: Considering the author’s perspective on success and his version of Goldman Sachs’ definition of success, how has society’s definition of success changed or remained the same? 60 Minutes interview with Greg Smith. Respond to the following questions: What does the video interview reveal that the article does not? What does the article/OP Ed reveal that the video does not?

4 Film Analysis: Hitchcock’s Rear Window
Opening Scene (2:30 minutes): What do you notice? What literary elements do you see presented? What do you expect the film to be about? Notes (next slide) As you watch, consider the following questions: What film techniques do you see being used in the film? To what effect? How does Hitchcock tell the story? What is unique about his method of narrative?

5 Opening Scene: Rear Window
The opening sequence is a classic example of the use of visual elements to convey a complex narrative (rather than the use of dialogue). In this sequence we are introduced to the central character, his career, personality and predicament and also his current preoccupation: other people's lives. This referencing of voyeurism also resonates with us, the audience - we too are complicit in the watching. It asks whether the Gaze is an inherently detached or guilt-ridden phenomenon (or both); it also questions the extent of our responsibility to what the eye reveals. Another important dynamic is the relationship between freedom and seperateness: will marriage mean a perpetual broken leg for L. B. Jeffries or will the relationship be a creative and liberating one (it is his fiancee that risks her life to find evidence - a wedding ring! - of a suspected murder).

6 After film…Stop and Think…
Consider the range of characters Jeff espies from his window. Try to remember as many as you can. What do they have in common, what do they represent, and what is their connection to Jeff and Lisa?

7 Outliers: Chapters 8, 9, Epilogue
According to Gladwell, what is the reason that Asians excel at mathematics? Discuss the cultural and educational differences that he points to as explanation. Chapter 9 What connections can you make between this chapter and Waiting for Superman? Epilogue Explain how Gladwell himself is an Outlier. Use his definition/criteria of what an Outlier is as your basis.

8 Outliers, Pulling it All Together
What did you find most surprising, humorous or thought- provoking in Gladwell's book? Any "ah-ha!" moments? Any-thing strike you as dubious? Have you come away thinking differently than before? What, if anything, do you feel you've learned? Gladwell gives differing definitions of intelligence. Yet his definition of success is singular—"worldly" success in terms of wealth, power, and fame. Are there also differing definitions of success that Gladwell doesn't consider? If so, what are they, and what does it take to achieve those versions of success?


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