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To download a copy of today’s lesson go to TheGoodTeacher

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1 To download a copy of today’s lesson go to TheGoodTeacher
To download a copy of today’s lesson go to and click on “Bible Classes”

2 Involved or Committed? Presented by Chris Reeves * Round Lake Beach Gospel Meeting * Oct. 15, 2017

3 Commitment Needed “Total commitment” or “personal commitment” used to be very popular among the denominations due to a loss in numbers “Total commitment” was made popular among Christians by the Crossroads Church of Christ leading to unscriptural practices in the ’s

4 Commitment Needed Commitment is needed when we see… Falling away
Church fighting Lack of edification Lack of evangelism Lack of benevolence Attendance problems Worldliness in the church

5 Commitment Defined “Commitment” is simply an agreement or pledge to do something (be something) in the future

6 Commitment Defined The house of Stephanas displayed commitment (1 Cor. 16:15-16) “addicted themselves” (KJV) “set themselves” (ASV), “devoted themselves” (NASV) “spending their lives” (NLT), “put themselves out” (MSG), “made up their minds” (WE)

7 A True Christian… Is single-minded (1 K. 18:21; Mt. 6:24; Lk. 9:23, 57-62; Ac. 2:46; 2 Cor. 11:2-3; Jas. 1:8) Puts the kingdom first (Mt. 6:33) Is all in (Mt. 13:44-46) Loves God with his all (Mk. 12:30)

8 A True Christian… Is a completely new creature (2 Cor. 5:17; Col. 3:8-10) Is not his own, denies self (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:21; 1 Cor. 6:19; 9:27; Cor. 8:5) Is willing to die (Rev. 2:10)

9 Christianity Demands Total Commitment
Commit to the Lord first before other “commitments” A true Christian should not need exhortation to be “totally committed” Coal does not need exhortation to be “black” (coal is carbon and carbon by nature is black)

10 Christianity Demands Total Commitment
Snow does not need exhortation to be “white” (snow reflects light and that by nature is white) A true Christian by nature is “totally committed”

11 Occasions Calling For Commitment
When We Are Tempted To… Seek man’s approval (Jn. 5:44; :42-43) Be fearful of truth (Jn. 9:22; Tim. 1:7) Lose our love (Rev. 2:4-5) Go after materialism (Rev. 3:14-20)

12 Justifying Non-Commitment
Some Christians seek to justify their lack of commitment (Lk. 10:27-29)… “I am often weak and sinful…” “Where does the Bible say you have to…” “I am doing enough…” “The church just isn’t what it should be…”

13 Justifying Non-Commitment
True, committed Christians… Acknowledge their imperfections Pray for knowledge and wisdom Remain committed to the Lord’s service

14 Commitment Encouraged Lessons from Joshua
God’s people can be encouraged to commit (Josh ) God’s people can commit (Josh. 24:21- 24) God’s people can commit for a time (Josh. 24:31; Judg. 2:6-7)

15 Commitment Encouraged Lessons from Joshua
God’s people can lose their commitment as a result of (Judg. 2:8-12)… Following a man only (preachers? elders? parents only?) Lack of teaching (sermons? Bible classes? gospel meetings?)

16 Commitment Encouraged Lessons from Joshua
God’s people can lose their commitment as a result of (Judg. 2:8-12)… Influence of society (t.v.? music? internet? friends?)

17 Total Commitment to the Lord
True Christians bear “the old rugged cross,” not “the old padded cross” True Christians do not attempt to leap the chasm of life in two jumps Half-hearted Christians are not accepted by a whole-hearted Christ

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