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Existentialism and Analysis

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1 Existentialism and Analysis
12 CP English

2 ose?” Who am I? What is my greater purpose?
“We’ve all been confronted with the big questions out there and, presently, these answers are only limited by the extent of our imagination. But there are those who wish to push the boundaries of that limitation. They will dwell on the questions and their potential answers until time has passed them by. Then there are others who don’t devote their precious time to linger on what they feel are unanswerable questions.

3 So where do you belong? Are you on your way to become a great existential philosopher? Or are you the realist who experiences the world at hand? Take the quiz and find out where you lie on the Existential Spectrum.

4 Existentialism Quiz Answer YES or NO to the following 10 questions.

5 Quiz: 1. Do you often think there are aspects of your life which are unreal? 2. Do you struggle to find a purpose in life you can regard as being worthwhile? 3. Do you regularly despair with life?

6 Quiz Cont. 4. Do you feel part of society and have a role to play within it? 5. Do you believe your freedom to think or bring things into question is limited in any way by the peer pressures around you? 6. Are you able to atribute a definitive meaning to your life you can classify as being authentic?

7 Quiz Cont. 7. Do you have an indifferent attitude towards the usual or inevitable things which happen in day-to-day life?   8. Do you think there can be any meaning within a purely conventional existence?  9. Do you sometimes as feel as though you are disconnected from life around you, like someone who is looking in from the outside?

8 Quiz Cont. 10. Will it make any difference to anything whether you answer this question 'Yes' or  'No'?

9 Results If you answered “YES”
8-10 times: You are probably an existentialist! 5-7: You might be, but are still undecided 1-4: You probably are not an existentialist, but can understand people who might be.

10 Who Am I? Share one certainty and one want to know/learn
Share one of the following responses: How did I come into existence? Why do I exist? What is my purpose? Or Who controls you?

11 Existentialism Definition and summary… (Other PP)

12 With a partner… write responses on paper:
How do these questions (Who Am I) connect back to the philosophy of existentialism? (question on orange paper) How do you think this term connects to literature?

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