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Existentialism Close Reading “You are your life, nothing else” 12 CP English.

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1 Existentialism Close Reading “You are your life, nothing else” 12 CP English

2 Pre-ReadingJournal: What is your personal take on existentialism? What principles of existentialism can you relate to (if any)? If there are none, why? What don’t you understand about how existentialists view life?

3 Vocabulary Preview Anguish/angst- suffering or pain Authentic- not false or copied; genuine Temporal- concerned with the present life or this world Perpetuating- everlasting; indefinite Inertia- a state of rest or inactivity

4 1 st Read- Read the entire article and answer the following questions: 1.What argument does Kierkegaard believe that is the cornerstone of existentialism? 2.What does Heidegger believe is the limit to our actions? 3.What does Satre believe is the first principle of existentialism and what does this mean? 4.De Beauvoir believes we trade our freedom for ______ by being manipulated into doing what?

5 2 nd read: Chunked Sections Section 1: What does Heidegger believe happens when we are faced with a friend or relative dying? Section 2: How does Kierkegaard believe the media (news) play a role in society not being able to live an “authentic life”? And do you agree with Kierkegaard, why or why not? Section 3: How does Satre believe that people deal with their “misery”? Give an example from Satre and then create your own example. Section 4: What does de Beauvoir believe is synonymous with death? Explain what she means by this.

6 Discussion Questions: Section 1: Explain Kierkegaard’s metaphor of standing on the cliff as it relates to the cornerstone of existentialism Section 2: Heidegger believes that we “engage in various pastimes to get by” and that these are just providing us with distractions from our ultimate limit. Explain what Heidegger meant by this and formulate your own opinion; do you agree or disagree with these notions? Support your opinion. Section 3: Explain what Sartre means when he says “reality alone counts”. Sartre argues that this is a “helpful” way of looking at life. Do you agree or disagree, support your opinion. Section 4: When de Beauvoir says that the only way to escape is through revolt, what do you think this means. Examine how one can achieve freedom through revolt as described through the existential philosophy.

7 3 rd Read- Read entire article one more time and respond to the following prompt: Existentialism believes that “we” can live an authentic and meaningful life. Construct an argument based on the ideas presented in the article that supports this idea. Cite specific examples from the text when summarize this overarching belief.

8 Performance Task Using your summary argument, imagine you are the new PR director for the “Existential Party” trying to inform new members of how to live an authentic and meaningful life. Create an infographic that outlines the “Dos and Don’ts” as it relates to existential beliefs. Refer to the article, as well as, the presentation and notes from class.

9 Infographic Requirements Overview of Info: In YOUR own words *do not copy directly from notes or article* ▫Include definition of existentialism ▫Background (Creator/Origin) ▫ALL Basic Principles (dos and donts) ▫Use synonyms/antonyms in your wording Aesthetic: ▫Graphics  COLOR ▫Organized  Easy to follow/understand

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