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Keith Grammar School Working together.

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1 Keith Grammar School Working together

2 KGS CLUBS Club Time Where Year Group Monday Choir
Club Time Where Year Group Monday Choir Netball (Senior Girls) British Sign Language Club Darts Club Homework Club 1.30p.m. 3.45p.m.-4.45p.m. 1.30p.m.-2.00p.m. Lunchtime Music Department Keith Community Centre Games Hall Room 6 Room 11 Room 12 All pupils/staff who enjoy singing. S4-S6 All welcome Tuesday Funk Band Pipe Band (every 2nd Tuesday of the month) 3.40p.m.-4.40p.m. All pupils who wish to sing. Wednesday Chill & Spill Recorder Ensemble Netball (Junior Girls) Art & Design 1.20p.m. Room 22 Room 20 S1 and S2 Open to all pupils S1-S3 All year groups Thursday Scrabble Debate Club 3.45p.m.-4.30p.m. Library Room 33 Open to S2-S6 pupils Friday

3 Duke of Edinburgh Expedition Training & Outward Bound Trip
Duke of Edinburgh Expedition Training starts on Wednesday 31st October in room 24 at 3.45pm.  All participants should attend.  If you are interested in starting DofE there is still time, speak to Mr Tyldesley, Mrs Birch or Dr Gray.  You are also most welcome to come along on Wednesday. Meeting for ALL pupils going on the Outward Bound trip in January on Thursday 1st November in room 24 at 1.30pm.  You MUST attend as important information will be given out. 

4 Active Schools News Rugby – Wednesdays: 31st October to 21st November (except 7th November) from p.m. for P7-S3 pupils. Hockey – Tuesdays: 30th October to 4th December (except 13th November) for S1 and S2 pupils. Karate – Fridays: 9th November – 30th November for S1-S6 pupils. See Active Schools noticeboard beside PE Department for further information.

5 Coastal KGS Coastal Rowing is great fun, exercise and relies on an array of skills such as co-ordination, communication and teamwork. No previous experience is required- come along and try something new! It is free! (£2 contribution towards travel). The next rowing session will be on the afternoon of Friday 23rd November. Please see Miss Garden 1.30pm Wednesday lunchtimes for more information and to collect consent forms.

6   Come down to the Design and Technology department to sign up to play Mario kart competitively for the chance to win a £15 amazon gift card. Just £2 to enter all funding goes to the Young engineers everyone gets to play at least 8 races. Loser gets a personalised spoon.

7 MUSIC LESSONS See Plasmas or Music Timetables for individual lessons.
Brass - Monday Violin - Tuesday Percussion - Thursday Woodwind - Friday

8 Canteen Pre-Order Friday
You can pre-order baguettes, snacks at break time on Friday so you can pick up before you leave the school or go on the bus! Please see Catering Staff for details.

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