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The domination of one country by another country. Expansion!!

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Presentation on theme: "The domination of one country by another country. Expansion!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The domination of one country by another country. Expansion!!
IMPERIALISM The domination of one country by another country. Expansion!! Know it Sucka!!

2 Past Imperialist stuff we’ve studied:
Spanish Conquistadors (say it…..) in America. Europeans in Africa and Asia.

3 Just a joke about Greed      An eminent doctor successfully attended a sick child.  A few days later, the grateful mother called on the physician.  After expressing her realization of the fact that his services had been a sort that could not be fully paid for, she continued:      "But I hope you will accept as a token from me this purse which I myself have embroidered."      "The physician replied very coldly to the effect that the fees of the physician must be paid in money, not merely in gratitude, and he added:      "Presents maintain friendship:  they do not maintain a family."      "What is your fee?" the woman inquired.      "Two hundred dollars," was the answer.      The woman opened the purse, and took from it five $100 bills.  She put back three, handed two to the discomfited physician, then took her departure.

4 First Reason for Imperialism (expanding your empire)
Economic Need for natural resources. New Markets to sell goods Somewhere to send new population

5 Second Reason for Imperialism (expanding your empire)
Military Need for military bases Stop other countries from expanding “If I have it, you don’t……Chump!”




9 Third Reason for Imperialism (expanding your empire)
Helping the “needy” Spread Religion Help medically Make sure that people had law

10 How Europe was able to gain land:
Africa, China, Middle East countries were weak Europe had strong economies, armies, and government. Superior Technology—medicine, machine guns, warships.

11 What does this cartoon imply?

12 Africa was taken over! Check out the map on page 623
Had things like gold, ivory, copper, rubber, diamonds Africa wasn’t unified and were seen as “children who needed guidance.” Like you punks.


14 Treatment in Africa Borders were redrawn.
Some Africans were brutalized, forced to work, killed, mutilated. Africans were given no say in law or government.

15 Africans Resisted Many fought back, but were defeated.
Ethiopia survived because they had European technology. Liberia also survived (many were former slaves brought back to Africa).

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