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The 30 second elevator pitch

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1 The 30 second elevator pitch
This project (project n° CZ01-KA ) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

2 Imagine you are caught in an elevator ride with a potential investor… You would use the elevator pitch to sell your idea in a very short time!

3 The elevator pitch is a speech that describes your idea, product or service in a brief and persuasive way to create interest in what you do.

4 Parts of the pitch 1 – The hook (5 sec) Tell who you are: name, title and where you are based. 2 – The problem (10 sec) State the problem that made you came out with your idea and how you decided to solve the problem. 3 – Your solution (10 sec) Explain how you help people and what makes your idea unique. 4 – Engagement (5 sec) Make a question that must be tailored to the person you are addressing.

5 Steps to create the best pitch (1/2) - Write it down in full considering the parts stated before. Use a clear language. - Read it loud. - Cut out unnecessary information until it takes 30 seconds.

6 Steps to create the best pitch (2/2) - Practice it with your colleagues and/or in front of a mirror - sound natural and deliver it with enthusiasm and conviction. - Record a video of yourself delivering your pitch. Mind how you are standing, what you are doing with your hands, and where you are looking when you speak. - Change what needs to be improved.

7 Example "My name is Peter, I am an ICT director from Dublin
Example "My name is Peter, I am an ICT director from Dublin. During my work life I realized senior managers spent a lot of time training me as a junior. Then I decided to open my own company to develop mobile applications that businesses use to train their staff remotely. This means that senior managers can spend time on other important tasks. Unlike other similar companies, we visit each organization to find out exactly what people need. This means that, on average, 95 percent of our clients are happy with the first version of their app. How does your organization handle the training of new people?"

8 Communication works for those who work at it
Communication works for those who work at it. John Powell (English composer)

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