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War Begins -Election of 1860 -Secession of lower states

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Presentation on theme: "War Begins -Election of 1860 -Secession of lower states"— Presentation transcript:

1 War Begins -Election of 1860 -Secession of lower states -Confederate States of America -Firing on Ft. Sumter -Virginia Secedes followed by Ark., NC, and Tenn. -11 States Leave Union

2 War Begins -Election of 1860 -Secession of lower states -Confederate States of America -Firing on Ft. Sumter -Virginia Secedes followed by Ark., NC, and Tenn. -11 States Leave Union

3 Modern War -Uses both old and new methods of war -Cavalry, Muzzle Rifles, Battlefield Formations -Railroads, telegraph, drafts, submarines, armored ships, observation balloons

4 Strategy-Union -Constrictor (Anaconda) Plan developed by Winfield Scott -divide the south through the Mississippi and control access to its ports

5 Strategy-Confederacy
-defensive battle -European recognition

6 Advantages-Union -most of the population -large advantages in resources -most of the transportation and industry

7 Advantages-Confederacy
-defending their homes -strong sectional pride -better military tradition and leadership

8 Government Powers -both sides had to increase central government powers -raise an army -supply armies -finance the war -suppress any opposition -Copperheads

9 Raising Armies -Northern Advantage -volunteers at first -drafts begin -riots -bounties paid -substitution possible -many volunteers

10 Supplying Armies -Union Advantages -Industrial Capacity -Transportation Capabilities -Financial Centers Confederate Problems -Foraging the land -Shortages

11 War Politics -War to Preserve Union -civil rights were restricted -habeas corpus suspended -Emancipation Debated Needed higher cause -Emancipation Proclamation Jan. 1, 1863

12 War Politics -War to Preserve Union -civil rights were restricted -habeas corpus suspended -Emancipation Debated Needed higher cause -Emancipation Proclamation Jan. 1, 1863

13 Others in the War -African Americans Segregated Forces 54th Massachusetts -Women Nursing Clara Barton

14 Soldier’s Lives -disillusionment of war -filthy conditions -poor food -bad medical care -prison camps Andersonville

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