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Changing the Constitution

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1 Changing the Constitution
Chapter 8 section 3

2 I. Amendment process Did not want it to be too easy for Americans to change the Constitution The process they created is complex Article 5 outlines two ways to propose an amendment 1. amendment is proposed by 2/3 of the House and Senate or 2. by a national convention called by Congress at the request of 2/3 of the state legislatures (34) (never used) It also outlines 2 ways to ratify an amendment 1. Approved by the legislatures of ¾ of the states (most common) 2. Approved by special conventions of the states

3 II Bill of Rights (added in 1791)
A. Protecting basic individual freedoms -1st amendment 1. It protects freedom of religion, speech and press 2. It guarantees the right to peaceful assembly and to petition the govt. to change its policy B. Protection against Abuse of Power- 2nd -4th amendments (reflects experience with British rule) 1. the right to bear arms 2. Congress can not force citizens to put up troops in our homes 3. protection against unlawful search and seizure

4 1. people can’t be forced to incriminate themselves
C. Protecting rights of the accused- 5th -8th amendments 1. people can’t be forced to incriminate themselves 2. right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury, allowed to know charges against them, right to confront the person making charges 3. provides for a jury for non criminal trials 4. forbids judges from excessive bail or fines or “cruel and unusual punishment” D. 9th made it clear that a citizen’s rights are not limited to those listed E. 10th states that all powers not given to national govt. or denied to the states are reserved for the states or for the people

5 III Later Amendments Constitution has been amended 17 times.
Changes reflect changing attitudes about equality and expansion of democracy. 1. 13th amendment abolished slavery 2. 14th amendment citizenship for former slaves 3. 15th amendment gave African Americans the right to vote C. Others expanded voting rights 1. 19th amendment gave women the right to vote (1920) 2. 26th amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 (1971)

6 Other important amendments
18th Amendment -Prohibition of alcohol 21st Amendment: -repealed (ended) prohibition-alcohol becomes legal again 22nd Amendment: -limits the president to two terms 24th Amendment: bans poll taxes (forbids having to pay a tax to vote)

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