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13th September 2018
With Jesus we learn together through faith and love
Our Mission Statement With Jesus we learn together through faith and love
Prayer Life in the School
Children will start and end their school day with a prayer or quiet reflection. Upper Early Years attend weekly assemblies and hymn practice for collective worship. Throughout the year all children will attend regular Masses at Church to celebrate different feast days. (All parents are welcome) Class Assemblies.
Soft start: Children will come straight into class and be encouraged to put their book bags and coats away. They will be reminded to take out their link book and reading book (Upper Eys) and place them in designated baskets.
Curriculum – Early Years
E-Safety E-Safety is an important focus on the curriculum.
Throughout the year we teach children the importance of how to use the internet safely. We also tell the children to approach an adult if they are worried or unsure about something when using the internet. We also ask you as parents/carers to ensure your children understand how to be safe on the internet. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to approach us.
Upper Early Years- Reading
Books will be checked daily and changed every Friday. Please sign the reading record book every day and add a comment if you wish to. This may be about their favourite part of the story or character. Please check that your child is able to comprehend and answer questions about the book and encourage your child to re-tell parts of the story to you.
Lower Early Years- Reading
Lower Early Year’s Children will bring home a story book of their choice every Friday. Their Reading Record books need to be signed at least three times a week in order for the book to be changed the following Friday. You may also wish to write a comment about what your child talked about when reading the story or what they really enjoyed. We encourage you to read the story with the children and allow them to join in with any repeated phrases and ask them questions about the story and characters.
Home work-Upper EYS Cover books with a clear plastic cover.
Please keep your books neat. Please stick the sheets given for homework in their homework book on individual pages. Use both sides of the page. Encourage your child to do their homework independently, giving them help where needed. Please use a writing pencil to do the homework. Upper Early years will complete Maths and English or talking homework. This will be given out on a Thursday and due back in, the following Tuesday. Children will be given at least 1 piece of R.E. homework every half term. Topic/Research homework may be given if needed.
Home work-Lower EYS Cover books with a clear plastic cover.
Please keep your books neat. Children will be given a weekly ‘talk homework’. You can record evidence of your child’s discussion in their book. The aim of the ‘talk homework’ is to promote children’s language and comprehension.
Collection Please wait near the Early Years entrance to collect your child. Please don’t crowd near the ramp as it is difficult for other parents to come through and leave the playground. Please fill in the collection form with names of people who are likely to collect your child from school. Please inform the office if someone different is going to collect your child as they will not be released to an unknown person.
Behaviour We follow the traffic light system throughout the school to promote positive behaviour amongst children.
Awards Reward assembly is on Fridays where children will receive certificates for their hard work, friendliness and overall good behaviour in that week.
Uniform Please follow the school uniform policy which can be found on the school website. All children need to be wearing green jogging bottoms or shorts and a yellow Polo T-Shirt with a green jumper or a cardigan. Please label all clothing clearly with your child’s name. Children should bring their book bags to school everyday. Children are allowed to bring in a water bottle to school from Upper EYS. Bottles should be clear and should have a sports cap and clearly marked with their name.
Link Book The Link book will be used to:
Communicate with us on a regular basis. To share some exceptional work/effort. It will help you and us to share any concerns, worries and even celebrations, or achievements at home or at school. To pass on a message from office/SMT. Link books must be brought into school every day. If you need to discuss anything important please wait till all the children have been collected from class after school.
Contact / Letters / Website
Please send all reply slips, dinner menus, trip permission slips or any other letters via your child’s book bag. Please let the office know if your child has to attend any dental or other appointments. Please use the website for information regarding assemblies, termly dates, productions, school closure (due to snowing) etc. We know how important it is for us to work together and we value your time and support. If you have any queries about the curriculum areas there is a questionnaire available.
Thank you for coming.
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