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Understanding Stress.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Stress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Stress

2 What is stress? In evolution,
the body’s way of dealing with a challenging situation “Fight or flight” response

3 How does stress work? Adrenal glands produce hormone cortisol—a messenger to certain cells

4 The message says: Produce more energy NOW Be alert—rev up memory
Watch out for cell invaders: charge up immune system to respond to attacks All good things!

5 But when stress is chronic
Constant output of cortisol: Impairs cognition (thinking) Raises blood pressure Lowers immunity (easier to get sick) Deposits abdominal fat (risk of heart attack, stroke)

6 Effect of toxic stress on children
Impairs development of brain circuits—smaller brain Increased vulnerability to illness Learning difficulties


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