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Look forward Look backward Todays topic: Communicating The course Activity: Review your present Syllabus with a Checklist Activity: Checklist for final.

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Presentation on theme: "Look forward Look backward Todays topic: Communicating The course Activity: Review your present Syllabus with a Checklist Activity: Checklist for final."— Presentation transcript:

1 Look forward Look backward Todays topic: Communicating The course Activity: Review your present Syllabus with a Checklist Activity: Checklist for final Teaching portfolio Activity: Plan for what needs To be done over The next three months Activity: With a partner, Brainstorm alternative Methods of communication

2 Re-Presenting Your Course Syllabus, Calendar, Text, Materials

3 Course Redesign Course redesign is the process of restructuring the way the content of a course is delivered. It generally involves the redesign of an entire course (rather than individual classes or sections) to achieve better learning outcomes.

4 5 Principles of Course Redesign Principle #1: Redesign the whole course. Principle #2: Encourage active learning. Principle #3: Provide students with individualized assistance. Principle #4: Build in ongoing assessment and prompt (automated) feedback. Principle #5: Ensure sufficient time on task and monitor student progress.

5 Essential Elements Goals, Objectives, Outcomes Activities Feedback Assessment Materials (Reading, Viewing, Interacting, Experimenting)

6 Communication with Students Verbal Syllabus Web site

7 Three strong beliefs associated with a course syllabus The syllabus is the key tangible evidence of planning from instructor to the world. The planning manifested through the syllabus can reduce, before a class even meets, about half the work for teaching a course. The syllabus serves as a communication device and contract to shift the responsibility for learning to the student. Performance Instruction: Planning, Delivering, Evaluating, by Daniel E. Vogler, 1991.

8 Purposes of the Syllabus Offer students a clear and concise statement of what your course is about; Tell them how you are going to teach the material to them and why; Provide all the logistical information they need to engage you and the course materials easily; Explain to them exactly what is required of them, when and why; Lay out for them the essential elements of the social contract that you and they are entering into.

9 Motivation: a warm tone and inclusive, accessible writing motivate students to engage with the course; positive presuppositions expressed about students facilitates in them a positive self-fulfilling prophecy. 3 Functions of Syllabi Slattery, J. M. and Carlson, J. F.(2005).Preparing an effective syllabus: current best practices. College Teaching, 53, pp. 159-165.

10 Structure: a clear map of topics and related assignments and due dates facilitates proper student planning. Writing a clear syllabus helps us, as faculty, grasp the plan and purpose of the course deeply. 3 Functions of Syllabi

11 Evidence: in case of disputes regarding the course, the syllabus is often used by administrators or mediators to resolve them; in tenure and promotion cycles, syllabi are important documents as evidence of currency, innovation and mastery of course material; students need well-designed syllabi to facilitate transfer of credits between departments or institutions. 3 Functions of Syllabi

12 How Blackboard Influences Communication

13 Essential Elements of a Syllabus Course Name Instructor Contact Information Class Meeting Days, Times, and Locations as appropriate Course Overview/Introduction Course Motivational statement Course Goals Student Performance Objectives Course alignment Content outline Course schedule

14 Essential Elements of a Syllabus Text(s) and Readings Student Performance Assessments Project/Papers/Products Tests/Examinations Basic Classroom Management Policies Attendance/Tardy Policy Late Submissions Other responsibilities (lab work, field work etc.) Grading "Academic dishonesty" statement

15 The syllabus as a legal document ministration/provost/cte/white papers/legally_sound.htm

16 Design issues Font White space Graphics

17 Samples of Syllabi from Carnegie Mellon ach/design/syllabus/samples- creative/index.html ach/design/syllabus/samples- creative/index.html

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