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Presentation on theme: "PHARMACY T. SANAA ABD ELHAMED."— Presentation transcript:


2 Medical Terms Related To Pharmacy
Pharmacy: study of making and dispensing of drugs. Pharmacology: study of drugs or medicines, and their actions, properties and characteristics. The combining form pharmac/o means drugs or medicine.

3 Pharmaceutical: referring to pharmacy or drugs.
Pharmacist: a specialist who is qualified to prepare medicines according to the instructions on a doctor’s prescription.

4 Drug: a chemical substance which is used in medicine and effects the way in which organs or tissues function. Tablet: means a small flat rounded piece of dry drug which a patient swallows.

5 Antibiotic: a drug which is developed from living substances & which stops the proliferation and spread of microorganisms. Antipyretic: a drug which helps to reduce fever.

6 Analgesia: reduction of the feelings of pain without loss of consciousness.
Suppository: a piece of a soluble material (as glycerin jelly) containing drug, which is placed in the rectum to act as lubricant, and is dissolved by the body.

7 to Prescribe: to give instructions for a patient to get a certain dosage of a drug or certain form of treatment. Prescription drug: a medication that can not be issued without a prescription from a doctor. Ex. : Antibiotics.

8 Stimulant: means an agent that promotes the activity of a body system or function.
Stimulus: means any agent that provokes a response, or particular form of activity, in a cell, tissue, or other structure. The plural is stimuli. to Stimulate: to make a person or organ react or respond to function.

9 Sign: an indication of a particular disorder that is observed by a physician.
Symptoms: means an indication of a disease or disorder notices by the patient himself and described to the doctor who may not be able to see it. Ex., pain, nausea, stiffness, etc.

10 Side effect: an unwanted effect produced by a drug or treatment; adverse reaction.
Sedative : a drug that acts on the nervous system to help a patient sleep or to relieve stress.

11 Contraindication: any factor in a patient’s condition that makes it unwise to pursue a certain line or treatment. The prefix- contra means against. The root word indication means situation that a certain type of treatment should be given.

12 Anaesthesia: loss of the feeling or sensation in a part or all of the body, especially when induced by drugs. The prefix- an means without. The combining form esthes/o means sensation or feelings. Adverse: means harmful.

13 to Abuse: means to use something wrongly.
Abuser: a person who abuses a drug. Addiction: means being mentally and physically dependent on taking a drug regularly.

14 Over the counter: medication can be purchased without a prescription.



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