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Farmers & the Populist Movement

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1 Farmers & the Populist Movement
Chapter 13 Section 3

2 Farmers’ Problems Low prices for crops
Could not pay mortgages – banks foreclosed Railroads charged more for short hauls than long hauls

3 Farmers create organizations
The Grange (1867) Founded by Oliver Hudson Kelley Social & lobbying group Farmers Alliances Educated farmers about loans Lobbying group

4 The Populist Party Aka The People’s Party Created in 1892
Created to give people more of a voice in govt (esp. farmers & workers) Platform addressed farmers’ concerns

5 Farmers’ Demands: Regulate the railroad companies! (stop them from charging such high rates) Make cash more available (back the dollar with silver, not gold, so dollar will be worth less) Political demands: single term for President and Vice-President; secret ballot; popular election of Senators To get industrial workers to support them: 8-hour workday; restrict immigration

6 Panic of 1893 Started when railroads started going bankrupt
Stock market crashed Businesses & banks failed

7 Election of 1896 Central issue: what would be the basis of the nation’s monetary system? 2 sides: Silverites (favored bimetallism) vs. Goldbugs (favored gold standard)

8 Republican Party: William McKinley
Democratic Party: William Jennings Bryan (Cross of Gold Speech) Populist Party: endorsed W.J. Bryan Bryan McKinley

9 Results William McKinley wins
Populist Party collapses but ideas remain important

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