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Mrs. Fisher’s Class Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Fisher’s Class Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Fisher’s Class Procedures

2 Welcome to English IV

This is one of those classes that is crucial to pass. Don’t be one of those students who doesn’t graduate because you got lazy….aka senioritis! Hey, I get seniorcitizenitis yet I’m still here!

4 I know some of you have jobs but….
Remember this is your first priority. You have been going to school for most of your life—now’s the time to finish!

5 ATTENDANCE POLICY Yes, you are seniors, and yes, school starts way too early. But you will not graduate if you do not show up to class regularly! GET TO SCHOOL!

6 You will not be allowed to make up work you have missed if you have an unexcused absence. That is county policy, not mine

7 Last year I had several students with over 40 absences
Last year I had several students with over 40 absences. Understand that make up work (if you have an excused absence) usually involves writing essays. Most students who are out that much do not pass. Don’t lose your right to graduate because you could not get to school.

8 I do not want excuses. Almost everybody else is here—so you should be here too!

9 If your absence is excused, you have 5 school days to make up your work—no more unless there are extenuating circumstances—(like being raised from the dead).

10 Good Attendance Will Be Rewarded!
For each quarter, if you have 2 or fewer absences (and they must be excused), I will drop your lowest daily grade.

11 You may not know this but…
The DMV (Dept. of Motor Vehicles indicates Truant Teens Get No License Truancy in Florida prevents a teen from applying for their learner permit or drivers license. Students not meeting attendance requirements of a district (Lake County) will receive a letter from the DMV indicating they cannot get their license or maintain their driving privileges until they meet school attendance requirements. Your license will be suspended!

12 I have the power to get my work done so I can graduate!
This year we have power-hour. See me during that time to make up any missed work. I have the power to get my work done so I can graduate!

13 If you are absent—check the clipboard on the wall before you ask me about what you missed..

14 I don’t give crazy amounts
of homework, so when I give it, DO IT! Your grade drops a letter grade each day an assignment is turned in late! Don’t bother turning it in past 4 days.


16 Most make up activities are not exactly the same as what we did in class. Usually make up activities require a lot of writing.

17 You are adults now. The big bad world does not give you extra credit, nor do I!

18 You MUST have a Student Interactive Notebook
This is a 2 inch three ring binder. I will grade you on this each quarter and as long as you follow directions and you are here, it is an EASY A!

19 Have a 3 Ring Binder I will keep a copy of my notebook on the cart against the wall. If you are absent, simply check my notebook to see if you have missed any notes or activities. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO DO THIS! I will have surprise notebook checks, and if you are NOT up to date, you grade will suffer.

20 The state has changed a few requirements for this class
The state has changed a few requirements for this class. Writing must be done every single day! Most of your graded work will be from your writing. The notebook will be a portion of this requirement!

21 Come prepared for class
Come prepared for class. You must have your interactive notebook specifically for this class. The good news is you may keep it in the classroom!

22 You will be required to get a Skyward account
You will be required to get a Skyward account. Proof of this will earn you another easy A.

23 Sleeping in class? No credit!

24 Take pride in your work. If it is sloppy, ripped, crumpled up, chewed on, spit on, or anything else that seems gross, I will not give you credit for it!

25 Always read and follow directions!

26 Unless it is a group assignment, do not “borrow” your friend’s homework. That will get you a zero and a referral.

27 Unless I have given you permission,
PUT THE PHONES AWAY and turn them off or on vibrate. I will take them If I see them out.

28 And absolutely NO TEXTING!

29 Please follow the dress code. I do not enjoy being the fashion police.
Besides, all of you look better than me anyway, so stop.

30 Be respectful to your peers, your work, and me.

31 If you give me your best effort, you will succeed in this class
If you give me your best effort, you will succeed in this class. Give me a half hearted effort, you get half the grade.

32 RELAX. I will help you to be successful
RELAX! I will help you to be successful. As long as you give me your best effort, you will not fail. Trust me, you should see some of my past students who graduated—yikes!

33 Let’s make a positive start to the new school year
Let’s make a positive start to the new school year. Who knows, you might actually like it!

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