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Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Romero.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Romero."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Romero

2 Govt & The State Forms of Govt Basics of Democracy Hodge Podge 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 All of those things a government decides to do….taxation, defense,
What are public policies? All of those things a government decides to do….taxation, defense, education, etc. Row 1, Col 1

4 Autocracies and oligarchies are a form of this type of government
What is a dictatorship? Autocracies and oligarchies are a form of this type of government 1,2

5 The process of blending and adjusting competing views
What is compromise? The process of blending and adjusting competing views and interests. 1,3

6 He wrote the Second Treatise
Who is John Locke? He wrote the Second Treatise of Government. 1,4

7 Legislative, executive, and
What are the three basic powers (branches) of government? Legislative, executive, and judicial powers. 2,1

8 An alliance of independent states.
What is a confederation? An alliance of independent states. 2,2

9 The law that states that when supplies of goods and services
What is the law of supply and demand? The law that states that when supplies of goods and services become plentiful, prices tend to drop. 2,3

10 The earliest known evidences of government have been located
What is Ancient Egypt? The earliest known evidences of government have been located in this country. 2,4

11 The four characteristics of a
What are Population, Territory, Sovereignty, and Government? The four characteristics of a state. 3,1

12 Government type where the powers of government are
What is federal government? Government type where the powers of government are divided between a central government and several local governments. 3,2

13 An economy in which private enterprise exists in combination
What is a mixed economy? An economy in which private enterprise exists in combination with government regulation and promotion. 3,3

14 She was the first African American woman ever elected to the Texas
Who is Barbara Jordan? She was the first African American woman ever elected to the Texas legislature ( ). 3,4

15 This political theory claimed that the state developed
What is the evolutionary theory? This political theory claimed that the state developed naturally out of the early, primitive family, of which one person was the head. 4,1

16 This government type features a separation of powers between
What is a presidential government? This government type features a separation of powers between the executive and the legislative branches of the government. 4,2

17 Democracy thrives in this type of freedom for people; not absolute
What is individual freedom? Democracy thrives in this type of freedom for people; not absolute or complete freedom. 4,3

18 This “Title” of the Educational Amendments of 1972, provides
What is Title IX (Title 9) of the Educational Amendments of 1972? This “Title” of the Educational Amendments of 1972, provides that women must have the same athletic opportunities as men in schools and colleges. 4,4

19 List all of the purposes of government as they appear in the
What is 1-Form a More Perfect Union; 2-Establish Justice; 3-Ensure Domestic Tranquility; 4-Provide for the Common Defense; 5-Promote the General Welfare; and 6-Secure the Blessings of Liberty List all of the purposes of government as they appear in the Preamble. (IN ORDER) 5,1

20 In this government type the executive is made up of the prime
What is parliamentary government? In this government type the executive is made up of the prime minister or premier, and that official’s cabinet. 5,2

21 Efficient democracy must blend the concepts of majority rule
What is minority rights? Efficient democracy must blend the concepts of majority rule restrained by this… 5,3

22 This word means supreme, or
What is sovereign? This word means supreme, or absolute. 5,4

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