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Work & Health Programme ‘Opportunities Unlimited’

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Presentation on theme: "Work & Health Programme ‘Opportunities Unlimited’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Work & Health Programme ‘Opportunities Unlimited’
Working together: DWP, Pluss and Maximus

2 Opportunities Unlimited
Together we will leave no one behind Developed and co-designed by Pluss, Expert Panel and Core Delivery/Alliance Partners based on proven delivery evidence and best practice based on IPS principles. Single Delivery model CPA wide. Participant driven and localised integrated solution

3 Why Opportunities Unlimited is different
Change Coaches – recruited and trained (Expert Panel and IEP principles) to coach and facilitate participants journey to sustained employment Pluss Opportunities Hub (POH) - 24/7 online portal for participants to access a range of approved learning solutions, book appointments and engage with OU team Co-produced Assessment, Action Plan, interventions, activities and Distance Travelled all linked together by the same framework Innovative POP-Up Business School solution to explore and support Self-Employment options Interventions Framework in place to log local provision linked to each level of support Expert Panel of specialist providers inc. Centre for Mental Health, RAD, Pact, Genius Within, Addaction ensuring best practice and ongoing evolution of OU.

4 Pluss Opportunities Hub
POH allows participants to book 1 to 1 appointments Empowers participants through self directed support driving ownership of the journey and outcomes POH allows participants to view and score progress of their agreed Action Plan POH Online Advisor is available to support with any questions A range of proven self – directed digital learning and development, basic level condition management and self-employment exploration activities. Value Index - once a month participants will be asked to rate the value of the programme to them via POH in a ‘TripAdviser’ style online prompt.


6 Initial Participant Experience
Welcome Meeting - face to face, 1 hour Initial guided self- assessment - face to face, 2 x 1 hours – led by participant supported by Change Coach Assessment explores 5 areas of investigation totalling 76 questions - My work, My skills, My personal circumstances, My condition/disability management, My belief Screening tools for more detailed structured conversations around mental health, sensory impairment, neuro-diversity CMS calibrates responses and recommends prioritised needs Participant and Change Coach will co-produce Action Plan, activities and journey towards sustained employment Aim to have same Change Coach throughout participant journey

7 Other Features Intervention Framework – CPA wide and local
Ongoing OU evolution led by Service Design Manager and including Expert Panel, Partners and Local Integration Boards Delivery locations within 60 minutes travel time – Hub and Co- location venues Flexible delivery via access to 83 outreach venues currently across the CPA to support hub and co-location (these are flexible and will meet need throughout delivery)

8 Thank you Questions and Answers

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