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Chapter 4 Lesson 5 -Blayne adams Class of 2018.

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1 Chapter 4 Lesson 5 -Blayne adams Class of 2018

2 Social Peasants used stone tools
Women were allowed in religious ceremonies, such as priestess Men handled such matters as politics and military positions Monarchies and Empires

3 Political Macedonia was ruled by King Phillip II until his death, his son Alexander became king After Alexander died he left no heirs, which led to a civil war between his generals A by-product of the split of Alexanders empire led to the formation of the Archean and Aetolian Leagues of the Greek city states

4 Interaction After Alexander conquered Persia many Greeks and Macedonians migrated East to Alexandria of Egypt and Babylon which led to a mix of cultures Cities were constructed near agricultural land, fresh water and many with access to the sea for trade

5 Cultural Judaism and many abnormal cults were the religions
Epicureanism and Stoicism are both schools of thoughts began in Athens The library in Alexandria of Egypt was the largest library of ancient times, with more than 500,000 scrolls

6 Economic A large land mass under one empire stimulated trade and cultural familiarity Many cities relied on agriculture The Hellenistic Era brought a new form of systematic capitalistic agriculture Gold coins with Alexander the Great ingraved

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