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Cell Biology.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Biology

2 Organelles Eleanor M. Savko Basics Cell Division Picture This Innovations & Technological Advances Organelles II 2/18/2019 Mitosis Geography Old & I Mean Old Miscellaneous $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 The brain of the cell. $100.

4 What is: The nucleus ? $100

5 The powerhouse of the cell.

6 What is the mitochondria?

7 It controls what goes in and out of the cell.

8 What is the cell mebrane?

9 It is found only in plants and makes food.

10 What is the chloroplast?

11 It helps to produce proteins in the cell.

12 What is the ribosome? $500

13 The stage the cell spend most of its time in.

14 What is interphase? $100

15 When the cell splits into 2 identical cells.

16 What is cytokinesis? $200

17 The stages where the contents of the nucleus are moving into 2 new cells.

18 What is mitosis? $300

19 Three things cell division allows an organism to do

20 What are: Growth, Maintenance, and Repair?

21 Interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis together are called.

22 What is the cell cycle? $500

23 Water is stored here. $100

24 What is the vacuole? $100

25 It provides a framework for the cell.

26 What is the cytoskeleton?

27 It allows materials to be transported throughout the cell.

28 What is the endoplasmic reticulum?
$ 300 $300

29 It is found only in plants and provides support and protection.

30 What is the cell wall? $400

31 Makes up most of the cell.

32 What is the cytoplasm? $500

33 The first phase of mitosis.

34 What is prophase? $100

35 The chromosomes line up in the middle in this phase.

36 What is metaphase? $200

37 The nuclear membrane reforms in this stage.

38 What is telophase? $300

39 The chromosomes pull apart in this phase.

40 What is anaphase? $400

41 A chromosome is made up of.

42 What are 2 sister chromatids?

43 The process that allows materials to move in and out of a cell.

44 What is diffusion? $100

45 The cell’s hereditary material.

46 What is DNA? $200

47 When a cell divides uncontrollably.

48 What is cancer? $300

49 The stage where you can see chromosomes in the cell.

50 What is mitosis? $400

51 If a cell grows too large it can’t get _______ in and out fast enough
If a cell grows too large it can’t get _______ in and out fast enough. An example would be the gases _________ $500

52 What are: materials, oxygen and carbon dioxide

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