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Mitosis. Mitosis Movement of Molecules Chromosomes!

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Presentation on theme: "Mitosis. Mitosis Movement of Molecules Chromosomes!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Mitosis

3 Movement of Molecules

4 Chromosomes!

5 Function of Organelles

6 Organelles

7 Potent Potables

8 Mitosis Movement of Molecules Chromosomes! Function of Organelles Organelles Potent Potables $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 Mitosis results with this

10 What is two identical nuclei
What is two identical nuclei? (two identical cells will not be accepted)

11 Name a phase of the cell cycle that is not part of Mitosis

12 Interphase

13 These are the four phases of Mitosis in the right order

14 What is prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

15 This stage features the chromatin condensing and nuclear membrane disappearing

16 What is prophase?

17 This is what phase?

18 What is metaphase?

19 What is the passive movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration membrane?

20 What is diffusion?

21 What direction will the molecules flow in the diagram?

22 What is out of the cell?

23 What direction will the molecules flow in this diagram?

24 What is out of the cell?

25 If the molecules that are being diffused are water what do we call it?

26 What is Osmosis?

27 If the dots represent a poison what process could the cell use to get rid of it?

28 What is active transport?

29 What is a Chromosome composed of?

30 What is DNA and proteins?

31 What condenses to make a chromosome?

32 What is chromatin?

33 In anaphase, what gets pulled to each pole?

34 What is chromatid?

35 Daily Double!!

36 In what stage does the chromatin condense into chromosomes

37 What is prophase?

38 This is how chromosomes, chromatin, and chromatids are related

39 What is listen to Mr. Oles because he doesn’t have enough space to type the answer

40 This organelle controls the entire cell

41 What is the nucleus?

42 This organelle supplies the power by breaking down sugar

43 What is the mitochondria?

44 This organelle transports proteins and cell parts

45 What is the ER?

46 This organelle is the fluid that surrounds the nucleus

47 What is the cytoplasm?

48 These two organelles are only found in plant cells

49 What are chloroplasts and cell walls?

50 This organelle is?

51 What is a chloroplast?

52 What organelle is this?

53 What is the nucleus?

54 What organelle is this?

55 What is the cytoplasm?

56 What are these organelles?

57 What are ribosomes?

58 Daily Double!!

59 What organelle is this?

60 What is mitochondria?

61 This type of cell has 46 chromosomes

62 What is a somatic (normal) cell?

63 An example of a cell without a nucleus

64 What is a red blood cell?

65 Which organelle holds the genetic information of the entire cell (DNA)?

66 What is the nucleus?

67 A digestive cell would most likely have more lysosomes or mitochondria and why

68 What is lysosomes, because it is the digestive organelle

69 The actual splitting of a cell into 2 daughter cells

70 What is cytokinesis?

71 Double Jeopardy!!


73 Type Subject One Here

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120 Type Subject 5 $200 Answer Here

121 Type Subject 5 $200 Question Here

122 Daily Double!!

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129 Daily Double!!

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141 Type Subject 6 $1000 Question Here

142 How many cells will result from
Final Jeopardy How many cells will result from 6 rounds of mitosis?

143 What is 64 cells?

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