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SATEAL conference - an impromptu exploration of how technology can be used with EAL pupils, with a focus on eTwinning Kirsten Barrett and Claire Mackay.

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Presentation on theme: "SATEAL conference - an impromptu exploration of how technology can be used with EAL pupils, with a focus on eTwinning Kirsten Barrett and Claire Mackay."— Presentation transcript:

1 SATEAL conference - an impromptu exploration of how technology can be used with EAL pupils, with a focus on eTwinning Kirsten Barrett and Claire Mackay British Council School Ambassadors Just as a note, this presentation was created after the event to remind delegates of what we discussed. The original presenter couldn’t attend so we stepped in as an alternative...

2 What is eTwinning?
eTwinning offers a platform for staff working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate collaborate develop projects share (We shared a few of our Twinspaces (projects) with you)

3 To register 4.Check email and follow link 1.Go to
5. Find school on list 2.Top right, click Register 6. If school isn’t registered complete details and find out school SEED number. 3.Click the orange writing - Get started What is eTwinning video Self help materials

4 Keep it simple! Register
Explore Partner forums for a simple project to join. Or Leave a post in Partner forums about a project idea Go to People and add Kirsten Barrett and Claire Mackay, you can join one of our projects to get yourself started.

5 Free resources Register now for Free homework grids Free passports
Free maps

6 Foundation Award in International Education
Just by taking part in one eTwinning project Opportunities to visit other countries and schools - fully funded. Changes all the time - check here: g/workshops/face-to-face

7 Foundation Level Intermediate Level Accreditation Level
Further awards available, register at schoolsonline to complete applications BC School Ambassadors can support you with applications. Foundation Level Intermediate Level Accreditation Level

8 Padlet
Learned about this through eTwinning. eTwinning develops your digital literacy. Free Like a pinboard Can comment on it Can set the level of security Can create a QR code direct to the page Can share and embed

9 QR code Download a QR reader onto your phone, tablet or iPad.
This is free. Open app and scan the code (P.S. Facebook app has an inbuilt QR code reader - go to settings and then Apps.) Test it out by scanning this code! Lots of potential activities You can use a QR generator to make QR codes. Some applications make QR codes automatically

10 Kahoot Kahoot in schools And some tips of how to use Kahoot tips
It is an online game platform. A main screen with questions. Learners log on with a special code All answer questions at the same time and compete Can play set games Or you can design your own. Here is a short video showing you kahoot Kahoot in schools And some tips of how to use Kahoot tips

11 Twitter @wearebilingual @mrskirstbarrett @missmackay
Can explore twitter to develop your professional development. Can set up a twitter account for your pupils or class. Easy to use and share our learners achievements. Share photos and videos in an instant Connect with professionals around the world Celebrate your learners! You don’t need an account to look, just google Today’s hashtag: #SATEAL2018 @wearebilingual @mrskirstbarrett @missmackay For technology advice we suggest Check out Twinkl’s Scotland facebook page for a live stream about technology

12 Available to support you further :)

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