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Safeguarding and Protecting individuals from abuse

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Presentation on theme: "Safeguarding and Protecting individuals from abuse"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safeguarding and Protecting individuals from abuse

2 Safeguarding What is meant by the term SAFEGUARDING?
Page 103 What is meant by the term SAFEGUARDING? Care workers have a legal duty to protect service users Service users have a right to be safe and to feel safe

3 Glossary update Safeguarding - is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and protect them from harm Duty of Care – a way of working that never put individuals at any risk of harm DBS - Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups CRB - Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) has been replaced by DBS

4 Duty of care Care workers, as employers, have a duty of care; working in a ways that never put individuals at any risk of harm, knowing their responsibilities of their roles and receiving training to practice quality care. Deliver care as the individual care plan states Follow all procedures properly Know their role and care responsibilities Report and record concerns’ however minor

5 Secure care settings One main entrance; one secure door and CCTV
Staff to answer secure door and restrict entry Parents to inform of unknown people collecting children Known family to veto visitors to relatives Trades people to be escorted and sign a visitors book No residents or children’s details discussed over the phone Fire doors don’t open from the outside Windows have restricted opening, from the inside It is the manager's job to make sure the building’s security is maintained

6 What are DBS checks? The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children. It replaces the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)

7 Staff Responsibilities
“Better safe than sorry” Question and challenge people who claim to know the service user, however rude you may feel you’re being. Follow procedures, strictly, there’s no room for mistakes! No details to be given over the phone If you're unsure, check with someone else

8 Data Protection Act All personal details such as name, age, religion and medical condition, should be kept secure. Passwords need to protect computer access and written files need to be kept out of sight in a locked office.

9 Recognising abuse Unintentional abuse is just that, not intended deliberately, for example lack of parenting skills, lack of knowledge, unavailable emotionally, judgemental or over critical Intentional abuse comes in many forms and isn’t just physical harm, victims are often too afraid or believe it to be the norm or they deserve it

10 Abuse isn’t just physical!
You may get a question which require you to name and describe the abuse

11 Video Clips – watch and answer the questions
Daniel Pelka - what were the lessons that needed to be learnt about Daniel CjY Take notes and give examples from the video where staff did not meet their responsibilities for safeguarding Steven. What did they do or not do which put him at risk?

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