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Presentation on theme: "Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz

2 Why did the War of 1812 start? Who were the War Hawks? What did they want? What happened in the Battle of Tippecanoe? What was the Hartford Convention? What lead to end of the war?

3 Economic Nationalism

4 Post War of 1812 Following the war America entered the “Era of Good Feelings” During the last two years of Madison’s presidency the government aimed to bind the nation A new National Bank Protecting American manufacturing New canals and roads to link the country together Political infighting had largely ended

5 The Second Bank Republicans didn’t like the idea of a National Bank and let the charter of the First Bank expire in 1811 As a result, state banks expanded lending and their bank notes were used as currency With no national bank to regulate currency, prices rose rapidly

6 The Second Bank In 1816, following the War of 1812, Republicans change their minds about a national bank John C. Calhoun introduced a bill proposing the Second Bank of the United States The Second Bank would issue notes that would serve as currency and had the ability to control state banks

7 Tariffs and Transportation
During the War of 1812, American manufacturing ramped up because British goods were not available Following the war, the market was flooded with cheap British goods and threatened American manufacturers Congress responded with the Tariff of 1816, which was a protective tariff designed to protect manufacturers by taxing imports, driving up prices

8 Tariffs and Transportation
In 1816 Calhoun sponsored a federal internal improvement plan to improve transportation Madison vetoed it, saying that it was outside what the Constitution allows Even with the veto, construction began on roads and canals, with private businesses funding most of the work


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