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Starter How would you define professionalism? Give an example of being professional in the workplace.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter How would you define professionalism? Give an example of being professional in the workplace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter How would you define professionalism? Give an example of being professional in the workplace.

2 Copy slides 4-6 (Only Red font) Complete Professionalism vocabulary
Agenda Copy slides 4-6 (Only Red font) Complete Professionalism vocabulary Complete activity 1

3 Professionalism

4 Professionalism Professionalism is more than just a “look.” Professionalism is a way of speaking, behaving and even thinking that helps a person to be successful in the workplace. Most businesses hold their employees to high standards of professionalism. It’s up to you to make sure that you know and live up to those standards. Although every organization has different standards for professionalism, the pieces that make up professionalism are always the same. The Professionalism program will cover the following skill areas: 1. Workplace Rules and Expectations 2. Personal Responsibility 3. Workplace Ethics 4. Physical Appearance 5. Language 6. Minding Your Manners

5 Workplace rules and expectations
Even though you will likely have a supervisor managing you in your job, you will be expected to use self-management skills. Self-management means that you manage your own time and talents in order to reach your goals. In the workplace, you will be expected to manage your time in a way that allows you to meet your deadlines and you will not always be told what tasks you need to work on. You will be expected to know your deadlines and to complete your work on time. Self-management is a learned skill. Here are five rules for self-management to help you to follow workplace rules and expectations: 1. Use your strengths to do your job well 2. Be reliable 3. Be organized 4. Manage your time 5. Get involved

6 Personal responsibility
Personal responsibility is the level of commitment you are willing to make in setting and achieving clear goals. In other words, being personal responsible means taking responsibility for your actions, words, and ultimately your performance at work. Responsible employees understand that they are in full control of themselves. How do you develop personal responsibility skills? five characteristics of personal responsibility that will help you succeed in the workplace: 1. Goal Achievement 2. Achievement Drive 3. Positive Inner Self Learning 4. Self-Control 5. Self-Improvement

7 Starter Do you think physical appearance is an important factor in the workplace? Why?

8 Agenda Complete starter on slide 7
Copy slides (Only the red font) Complete activities 4 and 5 Log on to quizlet and review Teamwork and professionalism modules. You need to score a 70 or better to pass. the study guide is posted on my website, I will attach the answer sheet as well. Please begin reviewing the study guide for your test next Friday, December 14th.

9 Workplace ethics Ethics are moral principles that help you decide between right and wrong. Just as it’s important to be ethical in everyday life, it is important to be ethical in the workplace. Ethics are the unwritten rules that you refer to when figuring out how to make a good decision. When you find yourself at the crossroads between right and wrong, your code of ethics should lead you down the right path. Here are five workplace ethics to help guide you in making good decisions and behaving morally at work: 1. Honesty 2. Work hard when you’re at work 3. Don’t hide from your mistakes 4. Give credit where credit is due 5. Show integrity

10 Physical appearance You only have one chance to make a good first impression. Making a good first impression is very important. Once someone has an impression of you it can be hard to change it. Your physical appearance is one of the biggest factors that people consider when forming an impression of you. Here are five aspects to consider when trying to look professional: 1. Hygiene 2. Hair and Makeup 3. Accessories 4. Dress to Impress 5. Never Underestimate the Power of a Smile

11 Language The way you talk says a lot about you and your level of professionalism. Everything from the words you use to the topics you talk about leads people to form an opinion about you. Remember, once you say something, it’s impossible to take those words back and undo what you said. That’s why it’s so important to watch what you say in the workplace. You never know who is listening and how they might react to what you say. Here are five tips to help you use language that is appropriate for the workplace: 1. Avoid Foul Language 2. Expand Your Vocabulary 3. Avoid Gossip 4. Keep it Positive 5. Leave Your Personal Life at Home

12 Minding your manners You probably learned at an early age that good manners are important. Things like: It’s not polite to stare, always say “please” and “thank you”, and hold the door for the person behind you. All of these rules still apply in the workplace, only now you have a few more to think about. Here are five guidelines for minding your manners in the workplace: 1. Greet people 2. Use phone manners 3. Follow rules 4. Remember to say “Please” and “Thank You” 5. Respect personal space

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