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A Technical Element of Theatre

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1 A Technical Element of Theatre
THEATRICAL MAKEUP A Technical Element of Theatre

2 MAKEUP! Actors are judged not only by their acting but by their appearance Actors who appear on stage must learn makeup techniques Make up artists are routinely used on movie, television, etc. sets Make up artists are rarely used in live stage performances Stage actors must do their own makeup

3 CHARACTER ANALYSIS To create a unique characterization you need to analyze the character - what are the factors that make a character different from the others? FIRST THING IS TO READ THE SCRIPT!!!

4 CHARACTER ANALYSIS HEARTH is a mnemonic to remember the six elements of character analysis H- Heredity E- Environment A- Age R- Race T- Temperament H- Health

Inherited characteristics from parents and grandparents Red Hair (Life with Father)

6 CHARACTER ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENT Determines a person’s appearance
Work indoors / outdoors Works day / night Rich / poor Time Element /historical period Deep tan (few years ago) Peaches n cream (hundred years ago) Pasty White (Restoration period)

7 CHARACTER ANALYSIS AGE Chronological age is only one aspect
Also influenced by: Heredity Prematurely gray hair Pattern baldness

8 AGE - CONTINUED Environment Health Temperament
Sun or wind caused wrinkles Health Chronic illness ages a person Temperament Frown caused wrinkles Smile caused wrinkles

Less common today for actors to portray other races Some plays it is important to understand appearance related characteristics of major racial groups The King and I

Person who smiles a lot has “crows feet” (lines at corner of eyes) Person who frowns has “frown lines” (vertical wrinkles between eyebrows)

Must know physical / visible characteristics Measles, cold, seasickness Chronic illness Long duration or frequent occurrence Arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis

12 CHARACTER RESEARCH Three basic sources of information:
What the playwright says about character: Time and place of play If says “the present” must find out when play was written

13 Sources of Information cont.
Stage directions / descriptions What a character says about themselves or what other characters say about them Must read carefully because characters can lie About themselves or others Talk, dark, handsome Must take everything into account including motives of characters

14 Facial Anatomy Must know the underlying bone structure of the human face to create good theatrical makeup

15 Facial Anatomy Facial features are effected by the aging process
Muscles in the face used the most retain strength and flexibility Underused muscles stretch and sag due to gravity

16 Facial Anatomy Becomes more pronounced or prominent with age
How the aging process affects specific areas of the face Becomes more pronounced or prominent with age Frontal eminence Superciliary arch Temporal fossae Zygomatic arch Naso-labial folds

17 Facial Anatomy with age
Individual features also become more prominent Cleft chin Sunken eyes Nose (as the skin sags around it)

18 Facial Anatomy – with age
Lips become thinner and loose natural color Sagging muscles create jowls Eyelids sag and droop Complexions also change Age spots Red nose and cheeks on heavy drinkers (caused by broken capillaries at surface of skin)

19 Physiognomy Judging a person’s character by looking at facial features
We associate certain character traits / emotions with certain features

20 Physiognomy Facial features convey information about a character
Used by cartoonist to immediately show emotion and character Individual features are influenced by other features so whole face must be considered

21 Physiognomy Forehead High forehead / receding hairline
Shows high intelligence (men & women) Frown lines Bad tempered person Deep concentration

22 Physiognomy Eyes (the windows to the soul) Prominent eyes = dreamer
Deep set eyes = analytical Small, close set eyes = dishonesty Large, well spaced eyes = trustworthy Crows feet = happy

23 Physiognomy Eyebrows Full eyebrows = forceful person
Bushy eyebrows/ hair growing in all directions = disorganized Close to the eyes and growing close together = cunning & mean High arched brows = gullible & little intelligence

24 Physiognomy Nose Larger = strength/ leadership
Long & narrow = refined taste Bulbous (large rounded tip) = dissipation (especially if red) Pointed = nosy Bent = rough / physical type Longer = older in age

25 Physiognomy Mouth and lips Wide = generous
Small = tightfisted or closed-mouth Full = sensuous Thin = strict

26 Physiognomy Chin Strong chin = strong / aggressive
Weak & receding = weak willed / passive

27 Physiognomy Cheeks Rounded & red = jolly Thin or sunken = businesslike
Jugal fold (Pronounced wrinkle halfway between the mouth and ear) = cruel

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